Chapter 3- A Match Into Water

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The show was finally over, all I had to do was throw all the shirts into boxes and put them in the bus.

"In a hurry shorty?" Hands like houses merch guy asked.

"A little bit yeah, gotta fic my brothers problems." I said as I picked up the boxes.

"Want some help? I'll put them in there if you'd like?" He asked holding his arms out.

"Oh my god, thank you so much!"  I hugged him and ran off backkstage.

As I walked backstage I walked past my brothers. They stopped talking as soon as I passed. "Yeah, Thats right. Keep your mouths closed." I snapped as I walked by.

I found Tony with Sleeping with sirens putting up his guitar and pedals.

"Hey Tone, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked not walking too close to him. He nodded and I led him out to the bus to talk privately.

We sat down on the couch. I really didnt know what to say. "So, Im sorry about my brothers and Jaime for being jerks to you... Im sure you didnt mean what you said, and that's okay." I managed to blurt out.

"There's nothing to apologize for Carm, they're just being protective of you and I get that. And um I..." He trailed off.

"You what?" I asked.

"I meant what I said Carmen." His face got red.

"What..." I said quietly.

"Yeah, I've been head over heals for you since I met you. You're literally my other half, you love all the same things as I do. How could I not fall in love with you."

He said the word love. Wow. No guy has ever said that. What am I thinking, he's just saying that to get a rise out of me. Right?

"Then why havent you said anything to me. You know I feel the same way." I asked standing up in front of him.

"Because gorgeous, I didnt want you to think I was joking." He said smiling. " Why else do you think I havent dated anyone since Carley?"

"Well-" I started to say, until he grabbed my hips and pulled me in and kissed me. I kissed him back of course.

"See?" He said as I kissed him back.

I smiled and continued kissing him. This went on for a good 2 minutes.

When he pulled away he sat me down on his lap."Carmen would you do me the honor and be my girlfriend?" He asked smiling.

"Of course!" I smiled and kissed him.

I can't believe this was happening, finally i get my prince. <3

The hard part was going to be telling my brothers and Jaime. They were all protective of me.

When they all walked in Tony and I were cuddled up holding hands on the couch watching star wars. I swear, Tony never went anywhere without those movies.

Mike was the first to look confused. "Um, what's going on guys?" He asked.

"Tony and I are together, is there a problem?" I asked scooting closer to Tony.

"Um, No. Not at all..." He said trailing off walking to his bunk wiping his eyes trying to believe what's going on.

"If you hurt her I know where you sleep though!" Mike yelled from his bed.

Tony laughed. "Im not planning on that."

I blushed, I knew he meant that when he said it.

Vic and Jaime were quiet about it and didnt react at all. They both went to bed as soon as they walked in.

"Well, My gorgeous girlfriend. What do you say about going and getting some sleep?" He asked.

"As long as we get to cuddle." I laughed and kissed his nose.

"Deal." He said and picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bunk.

I don't ever want to lose my bestfriend. [Tony Perry]Where stories live. Discover now