Chapter 7- Take a breath don't it sound so easy..

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I hadnt heard from Carmen since we broke up, and I was really worried about her.

I called Jenna, maybe she was with her.

“Hey, Jenn. Have you heard from Carmen?”

She sighed on the phone. “Tony, she’s in the hospital, how didn’t you know this?!”

I panicked. “I um, havent seen or heard from her since we broke up. Thank you i’ll talk to you later.”

I hung up quickly and ran out to the car making no stop along the way to the hospital. I felt like shit knowing I let this happen to her.

“Oh, You must be Tony” The receptionist said.

“Yes, where is she?”

“Follow me.”

I walked quickly keeping up with the receptionist. We finally made it to Carmens room. She was laying there motionless, and had no color in her.

“What happened?”  I asked pushing my hair back.

“We’re not completely sure, But she lost alot of blood.”

I sighed, I knew now. And I felt horrible. “She’s going to be okay right?” I asked.

She nodded. “She should be up within days, we’re not sure when, but she’ll be up soon.”

“Thank you.” I said as the girl left the room. I took a seat next to the bed  and kissed her arm.

“Carmen, you need to be okay. You’re my bestfriend, I love you and I don’t know what i’d do without you. Please be okay.”

She laid there still. Not making any movements when I was talking to her. I pulled up the blanket and saw where she had cut herself. I was sure she would never find her razors again.

I called the guys and told them they could come visit her. Withing minutes they were all here.

“Damn, she looks bad.” Vic said and sat down on her other side.  “What happened bro?”

“She cut herself on her leg and apparently lost alot of blood.” I started tearing up. “But they said she’s going to be okay.”

“Man, im sorry Tony. I know you really love her.” Jaime said patting my shoulder.

They left a little bit after but I decided I was going to stay up here with her. I didn’t want to leave her on her own anymore.


I woke up in the middle of the night to hear snoring and seeing Tony’s tattoed hands.

“Tony?” I whispered.

He woke up immediately. “Carmen, Oh my god, you’re okay.”

I stared at him for a minute. “Why’d you come here? How’d you even know?” I asked.

“Jenna told me, and I was worried about you Carmen! I havent heard from you in days!”

He was whisper yelling now. “Stop, calm down please.” I asked.

“Fine. I’m going to tell the doctors you’re awake.” He said getting up heading for the door.

I sighed and let them examine me. I felt my hands go down my leg, feeling the stitches in my thigh.

They told me I was able to leave if I would take it easy at home. I agreed and Tony signed me out.

“You’re lucky you’re my bestfriend or I’d let you stay here longer.” He winked.

“Shut up.” I said and put on my sweat pants.

He carried me out to the car being careful not bust open my stitches.

“Thank you Tony.” I mumbled from the backseat.

“For what?” He asked.

“For being here with me, I didn’t think you’d come and see me after... you know what happened.” I sighed.

“I’ll always be here for you Carmen, whether we’re together or not.”

I smiled when he said that, he was the only person who could make me happy at the moment.

“Oh, by the way. I’m going to be staying with you until you’re okay on your own, You have no choice.” He said as we pulled into my driveway.

“Whatever. Just get me insideeeee.” I whined.

He carried me inside and set me down on the couch and covering me up with a blanket.

“Wanna watch a movie?” He asked.

“Sure, can we watch Coraline please?” I asked.

“Anything for you.” he said and popped it in.

As it was beginning he sat down on the ground infront of me.

“You know you can lay up here with me right?”  I asked.

“Are you sure? I don’t want it to be weird...” He trailed off.

“Come on you pansy, you’re my bestfriend love meeeee.”

He came and laid with me for the entire movie and rest of the night, not making a move to bother me.

I don't ever want to lose my bestfriend. [Tony Perry]Where stories live. Discover now