Chapter One

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Heatherpaw and Lionpaw -->

This story takes place six moons after BS, by the way.

Oh, and ThunderClan had another outbreak of Greencough, which killed the cats not listed.. aside Cinderheart and Berrynose, who were killed in a battle with WindClan.. they fell into the river.. 

And I've decided that these chapters will be short and sweet.


"Come on, Lionpaw!" A young brown she-cat with heather blue eyes yowled, pouncing on her golden tabby friend.

Lionpaw rolled over, squashing the she-cat beneath him. "Take that, Heatherpaw!" he flashed back.

Heatherpaw wriggled away from him, a purr rumbling in her throat. 

Lionpaw's amber eyes met her's, and he sighed. "I wish we could stay like this forever." he grumbled.

Heatherpaw nodded. "Yeah, but at least we have this place!"

Lionpaw grinned. "Good point! Now then.. face the wrath of Lionstar!" he snarled in a joking tone, before leaping at a laughing Heatherpaw.


A voice snapped Heathertail out of her memory. She shook her head to clear it, before facing an exasperated Leaftail.

"Honestly, Heathertail, if you aren't going to concentrate, go home!" he growled, tail tip twitching in annoyance. They were on a hunting patrol, along with Furzepelt and Hawkpaw. Heathertail ducked her head, embarrassment turning her ears red. 

"Sorry Leaftail.. it's just the day, it's making me sleepy."

That much was true. It was a hot day, with no breeze. Perfect day for a nap, despite the cool grass under the cat's paws.

Leaftail didn't reply. His jaws parted, tasting the air, before his ears pinpointed a fat, lazy gray rabbit. Gesturing with his tail for the others to stay back, he darted towards it, killing it with one blow.

"That was an easy kill." Furzepelt commented as Leaftail buried his prey. Leaftail grunted in reply.

Heathertail flexed her claws. "Come on, Furzepelt, let's go look for our own." she suggested, and her former apprentice nodded. The two headed off, leaving Leaftail to help Hawkpaw with her running.

"I smell something." Furzepelt whispered, and Heathertail nodded, implying that she smelt the same thing. She flicked her tail, signaling for Furzepelt to go around, and Heathertail would lead the rabbit to her.

Heathertail crouched, before letting out an ear-splitting cry. The rabbit jumped, before sprinting away, Heathertail chasing  after it. The brown she-cat smiled as she rejoiced in the feeling of the breeze formed from her momentum hitting her face, and the curve of her body as she herded the rabbit towards Furzepelt. 

Furzepelt pounced, biting its neck to deliver the death blow. "Good job." Heathertail praised, and Furzepelt grunted in thanks.

Suddenly, a battle cry reached the pair's ears, and Heathertail whirled around, only to be attacked by Sorrelfoot of ThunderClan. Sorrelfoot scratched her ear, and raised his paw to strike again, until Furzepelt rammed into him, knocking him over. Sorrelfoot staggered to his paws, and was about to leap again, until there was a flash of gold, and the tom was dragged back over the border.

Lionblaze, Sorrelfoot's father, cuffed his head. "Mousebrain!" he snarled.

Sorrelfoot glared at him. "WHat are you doing!?" he seethed. "WindClan killed Cinderheart!"

Fury rose inside of Heathertail, and she could feel her paws spark with lightning for a moment. "FOr the last time, you stupid furball, that wasn't our fault!" she snapped.

"Whose was it, then?" Sorrelfoot demanded, earning himself another cuff.

"Keep your jaws shut." Lionblaze growled, before facing the WindClan cats. "I apoligize for my son's behavior." He said calmly.

"Bad behavior must run in the family." Heathertail glared at Lionblaze, and if looks could kill, the ThunderClan tom would be on the ground.

Lionblaze avoided her gaze. "I'll have a talk with him." he spoke, mainly to Furzepelt. "In the mean time," he picked up the vole he had dropped whenever he stopped Sorrelfoot. "Here." He tossed it across the border.

"We don't need your food." Furzepelt said stiffly. "Just go, and maybe we won't report this to Onestar."

Lionblaze dipped his head, before shouldering his son in front of him, not looking back.

Wait, so Cinderheart was Lionblaze's mate? Heathertail thought, picking up the rabbit as the two turned to go. 

He really isn't good at keeping a she-cat, is he?


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2015 ⏰

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