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[ Chapter Sixteen ]

❝You guys can't seriously expect her to do this.❞

[Chapter Seven: The Bathtub]

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In the living room, Mike made them all sit down so he could explain to them what was going on. Beth felt weird having someone younger than her explaining something but she knew that it would have been too hard for her and the others to figure it out on their own.

Mike drew something on a piece of paper and then showed it to them, "Okay, so, in this example, we're the acrobat. Will and Barbara, and that monster, they're this flea." He pointed to the drawing which showed an acrobat on a high wire and a flea underneath the wire, "And this is the Upside Down, where Will is hiding. Mr. Clarke said the only way to get there is through a rip of time and space."

"A gate." Dustin added.

"That we tracked to Hawkins Lab." Lucas said.

"With our compasses." Dustin said.

The others all looked at each other in confusion.

"Okay, so the gate has a really strong electromagnetic field, and that can change the directions of a compass needle." Dustin explained.

"Is this gate underground?" Hopper asked.

"Yes." The girl, who Beth now knew as Eleven, answered.

"Near a large water tank?" Hopper asked.

Eleven nodded.

"How do you know all that?" Dustin stammered.

"Wait. Have you been inside the lab?" Beth asked.

Hopper's silence gave them their answer.

"Is there any way that you could reach Will?" Joyce asked, "That you could talk to him in this-"

"The Upside Down." Eleven said.

"Down. Yeah." Joce whispered.

Eleven nodded.

"And my friend Barbara?" Nancy asked, "Can you find her too?"

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