Chapter 6

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Seth's POV

“What do you mean by you’re the problem?” I ask her with hopes of a very good answer.

“Colby, none of this is your fault. I want us to be friends and possibly more; however, my heart won't because I feel like I am betraying Luke and I know that nothing I do will bring him back. I realize that Luke is gone because his body is in a graveyard; but I feel as if his death is my fault because if I had not encouraged him into going into the marines then he would still be here with me and his family. I am afraid, afraid to let someone in.  I am scared of trusting anyone with my heart and no one has it except Luke.  He was my first kiss at my first dance and first boyfriend. Luke loved me for who I was and did not try to change me nor did he want me too. His parents loved the idea of us until they found out that I was the one who encouraged Luke to go into the marines. They did not understand that this is what he wanted so I told him to follow his heart’s dreams. In return, I lost him to the war and to his parents’ selfish request. What I mean is that he came home to me; but he was not the same man that left me.  His eyes told me of his pain, his suffering, and his fear.  The doctors said that he was unruly and remembered nothing except one thing or person.  Me. I was all he knew and my present was his only salvation. My hands could control his random outburst; and my voice chased his fears as well as comforted him.” She stopped and it was oblivious that this was killing her. My heart broken and now I see why Grace has shielded herself. My heart now wanted to comfort her and take away the pain. “I am so sorry GraceLynn. You are so strong because I do not know if I could ever even handle that if I was in your place and I wish that I had gotten to know you before judging.”

“Colby, you do not have to apologize for what happened in my past and what happened to Luke.  You did nothing wrong and I think that we both jumped the guns on assumptions. As to me being strong, I thank you for your highly thinking of me; but I would not agree.  The day he died or I should say put down… I did not have the courage to tell him the truth or stop what was happening. Luke deserved to live and be happy. However, his parents specifically thought that he should not suffer and live in misery. Some people thought that I was selfish and heartless while some thought that I was stupid because I was throwing my life and my dreams away for a man who was not what he was supposed to be.”  Instead of speaking, my arms wrap themselves around Grace and I hold her as she cried.  I rub her back with hopes that she will calm down. “Why would anyone think those things about you, Grace?”

“Some people thought that I was selfish and only thinking about me instead of what was best for Luke and the doctors. He was suffering from the wounds and the doctors were stressed out or worried about him. His mother hated me because I was the only person that his memory knew. I was the only one who could comfort him or be near him. His mother was angry because she believed that I took her son from her and gave her a monster. Even at his funeral, she revealed her hatred for me by publicly taking the flag away from me and letting people that I had pushed him to his death. My friends on the hand thought that I was stupid and wasting my life. They believed that I was throwing my dreams and time out the windows for Luke.”

“What dreams Grace?”

“My friends knew my important dreams: becoming a writer or teacher, getting married, and having children. Luke and I had even discussed getting married and kids before he left. However, when he came back, I put my classes on the back burner and decided to be Luke’s care taker. Doctors had told me that our chances of being a ‘normal’ couple would be slim to impossible as well as kids were out of the question. My heart was broken when hearing that; but I still had Luke and this is what mattered more. He was home. I accepted everything; but my friends did not. They always tried to get me out like before; but I never left his side unless I had to use the restroom or shower. Other than that, we were together 24/7.” I wanted to ask her more; however, she has poured out enough of her heart and tears. “Grace, you really are amazing. You are not selfish or stupid as well as there should be more girls like you out in the world”, I say as my fingers wipe her eyes.

“Thank you, Colby. Thank you for listening and being kind.”

“Grace, you are welcome and anytime for a friend.”

“Friends?” she whispered.

“Yes, we can be friends.” I wrap my arms around her and she hugs me back as she buries her head in my chest. We continue talking about things like where we grew up, our favorite color, and such.

Jessica’s POV

Wow… I am shocked as well as glad. This is the first time that Grace has opened up to anyone and especially to a guy. It is the closest in 8 months that she has been to someone of the opposite gender. However, I am happy for her because she deserves to have something good in her life and I hope this last. Dean’s eyes land on me and I mouth, ‘They are working something out.’  He goes back to driving with a smile on his face and I know that he thinks of Grace like a little sister which is so sweet.  My mind wanders off with thoughts of Dean.

Jar of Hearts (WWE/ Seth Rollins Fan-fiction) {This is under minor editing}Where stories live. Discover now