7- To cancel a contract

901 39 13

Everything is blurry when Izuna first opens her eyes. She has the most painful headache she's ever had, without a doubt. She sits up with a jolt anyway as she vividly recalls their recent fight. Aside from her head, nothing hurts, and she rather stands up to inquire on Freya's condition. She stumbles and trips on her own feet, though, Ray catching her as he comes across with water.

"Whoa, young lady. You should stay in bed a little longer." He says with a smile, but Izuna ignores it for once.
"What about Freya... Is she okay?"

Ray's response is the most unexpected, his smile still not disappearing. The girl remembers the slashes on her partner's body, the scent of fresh blood on the floor, but none of that seems real anymore when the subclass replies, "She's as good as usual. Actually, you're the one we were anxious about. You hit your head pretty hard, according to the boss. She was frantic."

Odd. Izuna thinks. But not that surprising. Memory manipulation is a disturbing art.

"... About that, I think my mind is still a haze. Can you enlighten me, Ray? What happened, exactly ?"
She knows her own memory is correct, of course, but she needs to know how much concords with Freya's.

"One of Tsubaki's subclasses attacked you. Milady easily outpowered them, but they took advantage of the surprise effect at first. She was quite angry that they targetted you, too."

Izuna has to suppress a shudder, and chewing on her lips, she breathes in and out before speaking again.
"I see. Thanks, Ray!" She then dashes out of the room to find Freya, and to avoid the vampire's stares. What he just told her is far, really far from reality, and the worst in all this is that Tsubaki doesn't sound like a problem anymore. Not when compared to that guy. Not to mention, she considers his existence is nearly a good thing, since there is at least someone to blame in his stead. In a way, thanks to that, her servamp has no idea what kind of threat has just emerged. Coming to an halt, Izuna has to think their situation is in fact that dire if she starts thinking that way.

Also, she'd already figured out what their assaulter's goal had been when they left right after she'd managed to hit them. Meaning Freya had been used as a trigger. Meaning she had yet again been put in danger because of her. At this point, Izuna nearly has no more hesitation. She has to break the bond. For her partner's own good. But better consult the other eves' opinions. Seeing no notification on her phone, she prays for the guys to be safe and sends her message.

We've been attacked. Freya's memories have been modified again, but I'm thinking of doing it today. She will never be safe with me around.

A single tear escapes her as she presses the keynotes, but the replies come soon enough, reaffirming her will.

Misono : I agree completly. Lily was put in a near death experience. I can't allow this to go on.

Niccolo: Same here... I owe too much to Ildio to do this to him.

Mahiru : I didn't want to abandon Kuro. Given what he's dealt with until now, I thought he couldn't take much more. However, staying by his side is just... wrong, at this point. I will hate myself forever, but I have come to the same conclusion. We have to leave.

Licht: Yeah. Absolutely. The shit rat has gotten better, I guess. He will be fine on his own.

If excluding Tetsu, the only one who hasn't replied yet is Mikuni, but since he suggested it himself, it should be pretty obvious. Izuna swallows hard, but as she is going to put the phone back in her pocket, it beeps.

Mikuni: Go ahead.

And she does. Each step is heavy with guilt, even more so when Freya is looking at her with sympathy and relief.
"How are you feeling ?"
Horrible. "Fine... And you?"
"Good, too.

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