Important note

586 18 11

Hi guys,
After a little incident I write this note to inform you of something. Few days ago someone pointed out to me that a story similar to mine exists on Anime_Lover_6212 account. They thought it could be stolen work since the plot and title are very alike. However, I talked it through with them and it appears it was just a coincidence. I haven't seen their other stories elsewhere either so I believe them and will ask you not to attack them for it. There are lots of stories with similar plots out there (reincarnation AU, Highschool AU, Alpha and Omega...). So as long as they make their own story out of the concept I have no problem with it.

Now, I hope to have some time to write this month though it's unlikely. The exams are coming (horror story plot haha) so at the worst I will make a chapter when winter break starts. Thanks for your attention

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