5- forced awakening (part 1)

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Misono clutches the pocket watch closer to his chest. It should be around Lily's neck, except he can't wear it that well anymore and the boy felt the urge to touch it- to make sure it was still there, that Lily was still by his side and that their bond was as effective as it originally was. The vampire would have talked to him, it would have reassured Misono no matter his says on the subject, if only their contract hadn't been broken once. 

When he offered this watch to Lily, he knew it wouldn't suffice to fully fix the disaster that had happened months ago. However, he had believed somewhat naively that it'd at least prevent things from degenerating. Everything that has occured until now keeps adding more and more trouble to the already huge mess they got involved with. Misono briefly considers that, if he had stayed home like his father had asked that day, Lily would be a little better and his friends would be safer. Which is obviously ridiculous. His decisions can't possibly change the fate of others, it'd be presumptuous to believe so. Even if he had stayed out of the conflict with Tsubaki, the latter would have come at them sooner or later, and the hooded man would have found out about their existence as well. 

Actually, it's more probable that the guy's known about them for a long time before taking action. He's let out hints himself, his words suggesting that he was patiently waiting for the best opportunity until now. In conclusion, none of Misono's actions could prevent this from happening. Fate has decided to put these individuals in their way. 

His grip tightens once more, and he lets his face turn into a scowl. 'I can still change it.', he thinks, his eyes boring holes in the floor. 'I can chose to fight against destiny and its plans for us.'  

Tetsu seems to be thinking the same, as he sits next to him and gives him a nod of approval. They've been pretty quiet since yesterday, but they understand each other anyway. Misono smiles timidly, trying to appreciate what he has at the moment. Understanding his friend  without needing to talk should mean they are close and put enough trust in each other.

For instance, he can guess that the other teen is on edge and would very much like to train for their upcoming fights. It's quite obvious given the regular shaking of his limbs and the way he keeps fidgeting and chewing on his lips. And yet, he can't even do this, his new strenght too difficult to control and a potential danger for the both of them; but also for his parents. The incident last time clearly stressed them out, which was completly understandable. Also, according to his brother and the masked guy himself, they are far from done changing, meaning the 'stay as put as possible' is still particularly effective.

However, he hasn't noticed anything strange with his body yet, and it makes him wonder whether he's actually abnormal or not. Sure, no changes ultimately implies less risks for their lives, but at the same time it doesn't. They don't have much time before things start moving again, and if it's as the hooded man said, then he'd at least like to know what his special abilities are going to be. They will need a strategy, no, they need one already for battle, but there are too many unknown factors to elaborate one.

Tetsu gets tired of the heavy silence first and asks him, "what makes you so upset? Your inability to take action, or the threat against the servamps ?" 

Misono can only sigh. "You know very well it's both. That, and I can't bear this lack of knowledge. It's nearly the end of the week, and I have no clue whether I have begun to change or not."

The younger boy remains expressionless. They have indeed had this conversation numerous times, but this question sounded like the best to ask right now. 

He barely reacts at all when Misono, fed up with the heavy atmosphere, stands up quietly and heads to his and Lily's room. He doesn't feel like following him, and the boy wouldn't appreciate it anyways.Misono leans over the bed, watching his servamp sleep. He's nearly never awake for more than two hours per day now, and the teen has to suppress a horrid thought. 'This won't be your deathbed. It can't be your deathbed.' He mentally repeats this, as though ordering Lily to live. The regular breathing is the only consolation he gets.More minutes go by without him giving any sign of waking up, and Misono bitterly notes that he's about to cry. Extending a trembling hand to his partner, he doesn't care about the pitiful tone he uses as he begs him. 

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