1- Reunion

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Mahiru pushed the cafe' s door opened and was only half surprised to see it was empty except for two teenagers, one with purple hair and the other with blonde one, as well as a few employees.

-" Good afternoon, and welcome." A waitress greeted him. "Please, this way."

She led him to the table Misono and Tetsu were waiting at and left before he could even thank her. Nervously Mahiru asked his friend:

-"Hey, Misono... Don't tell me you booked the whole place for us?"

The shorter teen merely shrugged. "I did, what about it?"

"H-haha... I kind of expected it, actually."

"By the way, don't just stand here, have a sit. I'd like to wait for the others to come before clarifying but there is still something I want to ask you."

"Oh right." Mahiru took the sit opposite to Tetsu's, and he noticed the youngest in the room was as quiet as usual, if not more. Since they had learned the truth about Hugh- Old Child, that was- he hadn't talked about how he felt and remained strong, but all of them knew he only acted like this not to worry them more than the current events did. He was the youngest but Sendagaya Tetsu was determined to help his friends in all circumstances, even when the situation was as dire as it was right now. But Mahiru had to wonder, did the stranger from yesterday know them that well? He was pretty sure his targets were the eves, so why was the blonde involved in this mess as well? He would certainly learn more from Misono.

-" I have questions too, but ask yours first." 

"Alright. I won't ask whether you were attacked by some hooded guy or not, I know it is the case. Because all of us were, but we'll see about the details when they are here. My question is: did he appear when you were alone or was Sloth with you?"

Mahiru hadn't felt the need to ask, either. There was nearly no other reason for them to gather, especially now. And he heard from the man himself he had 'talked' to all of the eves before coming to him.

-" Kuro was with me, but he didn't do anything to him aside from knocking him down. As for me, I don't feel any different from before. It's really weird, I definitely lost conscious at some point but it's as if he did nothing at all. Not to mention, Kuro doesn't remember what happened and since I woke up in my room he thinks I had a dream."

"You were outside when you met him?" 

He was glad to finally hear some words from Tetsu.

-"Yeah, but he summoned some kind of barrier. Actually, it was as though it was the people around who had disappeared."

"I see... in our case, we were at Sendagaya's place, and the 'barrier' he made only surrounded the three of us. Lily was sleeping, and he didn't pay much mind to him. We can assume his goals are completly different from Tsubaki's. Also, you said he knocked Sleepy Ash down, and that was that?" 

Mahiru nodded. " Kuro started showing agressivity when we both understood he came for me. He attacked first, but... I couldn't see how he did that, it was too fast, suddenly I saw Kuro lying on the ground and then it was my turn to fall."

After his explanations both of his friends looked worried.

"If you two couldn't fight him, eventhough your servamp is the strongest... then this will be difficult." Misono said while Tetsu merely frowned.

"Indeed... by the way, Misono, how could you know about the other eves?"

"Well, recently we've been in contact with Glutonny's eve, so I called him a few moments before you. Turned out he had just woken up, just like you. Then the best person I could turn to was Mikuni. I had figured all of us were experiencing the same thing but I knew that if someone could comprehend something I didn't it was him. And as I was hesitating to call, I received a text from him. " The purple haired boy summed up, looking more tense after mentionning his brother. He honestly had no clue on what was he up to lately and he doubted he would tell him if he tried asking again, but taking their new problem into account it was in their interest to at least share info. And he had helped them in the past, so there was a chance he wouldn't become their enemy eventhough his actions were questionable.

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