Forced awakening (part 2)

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Mikuni picks up pace, his bad feeling getting worse as he comes closer and closer to his brother's position. Jeje has given up on talking it through with him, as the eve really seems to be frantic. He knows it's always a terrible idea to argue when it comes to Misono, anyways, and he's the last person Mikuni would listen to. His role is to execute orders, and he will do what he can to satisfy his master. Jeje bitterly considers that, if Mikuni saw him as more than a servant, he could have managed to reason him, be it now or in the past. But he couldn't. It's not his place to do so, and the blond doesn't want this either.

However, there is one thing only Jeje can do, and that is to protect Mikuni's life. The latter unexpectedly stops dead in his tracks, having sensed a hostile presence. But it is Doubt Doubt who saves him from the lethal arrow by pulling him out of trajectory. Mikuni watches it sink in the ground in horror as it lands a few centimeters away from his foot and quickly glances at Jeje, whose hand is still wrapped around his wirst in a vice grip. He's glaring at someone above, a gun in his free hand pointed to the sky. Looking carefully, Mikuni makes out the shape of a human being and scowls as well. It may look human, but it clearly isn't. For one thing, it's levitating in the air. And for another one, its weapon is akin to an eve's lead.

"Very well done, servamp of envy. Or should I call you Jeje-chan?" The guy says while clapping his hands, making them both irritated.

Although it's for different reasons. At any rate, the last bit of his sentence reminded them of someone they know all too well, and they aren't in the mood to put up with that. Especially Jeje who'd do just as good without nicknames.

"The likes of you... don't get to call my name." He mutters, and it's a warning.

The man makes a face at that, which has the pair boiling with rage already.

"I've been told you tend to be overly agressive with people who annoy you... What a shame. I wanted to get to know you better, but if you take it that way..."

Mikuni's eyes widen while Jeje takes a defensive stance, but nothing comes. Their new acquittance doesn't bat an eye, nor does he lift a finger. Yet the eve knows he's about to attack. It's not only his new ability, although that does account for something. It's also obvious to Jeje that they won't make it out without a fight. And while he has no clue what bone this person has to pick with them, he does not care as long as he disappears. Only two seconds have passed since he stopped talking, but Mikuni's brain has been racing during this short moment. Is the man after Jeje or him? He targetted him with the first attack but seems more interested in his servamp now. Yet, given the rules they were given-

His foresight or whatever it is lets him know too late. Their foe gives him a fake innocent smile, which triggers it, but it still doesn't give him enough time to protect himself.
"Crap-" is the only thing he can say before the same arrow comes back at him and this time, gets his shoulder with a direct it. "Ugh..."

His body starts feeling numb, both because of the pain and the weapon's power. He falls against Jeje, who catches him and immediately takes the arrow out in a swift motion. Mikuni winces at the pain but is glad for his servamp's decision.

"Poison?" He asks their opponent through breathings, unaware of the distress this word causes for Jeje.
The guy still has this irritating smile plastered on his face. "A spell, actually. But close enough. It will be lifted by beating me unconscious... or killing me. First your senses will become dull, next your internal organs will also give in. And then, you can imagine what will happen."
He can, obviously, and so does Jeje. He has Mikuni laying on the ground, resting on his side that's unharmed. He rips a shred of his clothing that he ties tightly around the eve's wound, his face solemn as he makes a silent promise with him. Mikuni would have smiled in return, but the situation is too dire. Jeje is something, and he's entrusted him with his safety many times, but the odds are not in their favor. Moreover, if he's the one being tested, he's failing miserably, and he hates it.

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