Between you and me

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" 𝕸r Ragnvindr! Please look here!"

" Sir! Look at the camera!"





I was greeted with the sound of cameras clicking, fangirls' squeals, and the questions that the reporters bombarded at a male, who wore a black coat and a grey sweater with his red hair tied into a high ponytail, early in the morning.

Poor Diluc, he's struggling to hide his face using the fashion magazine he held using his left hand because the rowdy crowd he was surrounded with was bothering him. Dude, like- they won't leave no matter what. Must I make a long-ass essay to explain to them why they should leave him alone?

" People sure can't accept privacy, huh?" I muttered to myself as I just sighed and took another sip of homemade juice that was sitting next to me, " I feel so bad for Diluc. Why he gotta be so handsome, eh?"

I continued to stare at him from a distance, realizing he couldn't even move a single inch. I do understand the fact that he was the owner of Dawn Winery, meaning he's rich, famous, and all but like, why are you wandering around knowing you're going to catch the attention of people? Diluc Ragnvindr, the student I couldn't understand at all, and kinda emo to be honest. You sure Xiao isn't his half-sibling?

I remembered a few years ago, I was paired with Diluc to do this project and I asked him whether he would like to go to my house to do it. Guess what he said.

I can do it myself

After saying that, he left me there, dumbfounded. It was pretty much obvious that he can't work well with others. Was it because something happened in his past because if that's the case, I could relate to it well although I never experienced it. I never hated Diluc, not a single bit. It's just that we barely talk and we don't have a good relationship with each other.

" I'm not just gonna sit here, I have to do something."

So, I took out a black hat and mask I brought from home. I placed the cap on my head and the mask around my mouth, hoping that if the reporters and photographers managed to capture a glimpse of me, they still wouldn't figure out my identity. Yeah, so what if I doubt the technology in Mondstadt? The wifi here is shitty, so crappy I sometimes cried in frustration.

I walked to where the swarm of people was, starting to feel like a badass or some other shit. It's a very nice feeling though, believe me.

" Move out of my way!" someone stepped on my toe intentionally, thinking that it could make me move away but it didn't. 

" Shut your mouth horse," I rolled my eyes, annoyed, and let out a small neigh to make her feel even more irritated. Bitch deserved it though ;).

I was surprised that I was close to Diluc already, although he didn't notice me. I thought it would take at least five minutes to be this close but I did it in less than three minutes, which kind of made me happy. Very happy.

When I had the chance to grab his hand, I did. Upon making contact, the red-haired male gasped and slapped my hand away, but I grabbed him again and pulled him out of the crowd with all my might.

" Let go of me," he growled and pushed my hand aside.

I took his hand again and squeezed it tightly, " Shut your mouth and follow me, you stupid idiot, I'm just trying to help you."

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