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Late update again good job author good job
I open my eyes slowly adjusting to the room around me. Next to me in the floral chair was Chrollo, reading his book with the small Tiffany Light still on as he sat and read silently. My eyes opened more. Each time they opened more I was able to see more of him, the way his eyes went from page to page, to the way his eyebrows furrowed when reading certain parts. Now my eyes were fully awake and I could him completely, Chrollo turned to me noticing I was awake.

"Good morning y/n. I noticed you had no nightmares." Chrollo says as closes his book placing it on the table next to him and looking at me with a small smile

"Yes, for once I didn't wake up in mild panick, I honestly believe it was the book you read me, that helped me calm down." I chuckled at him.

He chuckled back "Well maybe i'll read to you again tonight." Chrollo's velvet voice and soft smile made me feel safe, that saftey making me wonder why he made me feel secure

"Did you get any rest last night?" I ask him very concerned, as I remembered that he was up before me ,and that it is 9:30 in the morning

"No,but I don't need much sleep, I've gone long without it,and typically don't need it anymore." Chrollo stated to me still softly smiling at me.

"Well you need sleep. It's really important." I chuckled at him before getting out of the bed.

"Today we're going to town, we need some things ." Chrollo gets up from his chair and grabs his coat from the chair and his boots from under the bed.

"What do we need from town?" I ask him grabbing my sneakers and putting them one before he opens the door so we can leave

"We need new clothes so we don't look so eccentric. Especially me, walking in a coat with an inverted cross in public ,is not something ordinary people typically see, and since everything I own is in York New I have no choice, you need clothes as well, this isn't going to be a short journey y/n." His eyes graze mine as he speaks,and I follow him out the door.

Walking into town Chrollo was right there was many stares, mostly from mothers with young children who were curious about him. Walking into the first shop there are walls lined with suits they all looked the same to me ,but this was not the case for Chrollo, as his eyes said it all. There were a few casual items ,but mostly suits, ones with ties, ones with bow ties, ones with fancy colors, ones that were just plain.

"Hi there! How can I help you today?" A jolly man comes up to me and Chrollo smiling ,he has a measuring tape around his neck ,and he's wearing a striped shirt.

"Hello. I would like to try one a classic suit. One that's sleek ,and modern. Business requires it these days." Chrollo says this to the man and chuckles

The man chuckles with him "I understand that son. Now let's see, I got this one." The man holds up a suit it was clean and sleek, like the one my boss wore.

"That's excellent, exsactly what I need. I'll take it." Chrollo says as he walks up to the register with the man

"Alrighty. That'll be 800 jenny." The man looks up from the register at chrollo. Chrollo hands him the money and walks out of the store waving to the man.

"Interesting choice for blending in." I laugh at him as we walk to a small boutique that's across from the suit shop

"I may need it in the near future." Chrollo looks at me and smiles as we walk into the boutique. The lady at the desk waves at us and stands from her chair
"Hi how ya doin? Tell me if ya need any help ok." She smiles at us her end lipstick compliments her face she's an older woman woth glasses and red nails, she reminds me of an old friend .

"Pick whatever you'd like y/n." Chrollo whispers into my ear before going to lean against the wall.

Walking through j saw things that were both gorgeous and hideous , but since it was casual, I saw a small display with jeans. I took a pair ,along with a f/c shirt, and a small formal dress that I thought fit me nicely.

"Ok. I think I'm good." I say walking back up to Chrollo who was leaned up against the walk smiling at me.

"Very well then." He says walking up to the front and paying for the items I chose, the lady at the front puts them in a bag and we leave. While walking alongside Chrollo I notice he's not tense ,he's not tall, his eyebrows aren't furrowed, he doesn't look like a boss or a theif he looks like a normal man. He didn't look afraid nor did he look overly intimidating, he looked serene and calm.

"We're here." Chrollo says as we stand infdont of a small jewelry shop.

"Jewelry?!? It's awfully expensive Chrollo. I don't need it." I say to him my eyes soften towards him as he smiles at me

"Y/n you don't need to worry. I have enough to buy out this small shop if I desired." Chrollo opens the door and walks in me following behind him

"If ya see anything ya like just tell me." A man behind the counter says the only parts of his face ylu cluld see were the sides due to the fact that he was reading a news paper, and on the side of his face I Saw a lit cigarette.

"Y/n come see these earrings." Chrollo looks across the shop at me and notions for me to go to him , I walk towards him ,and see a pair of ruby earrings, they were gorgeous, with diamonds on the sides of the and silver backings

"We'd like to take these, and also add the silver watch that's in the third case ,in the third row." Chrollo says to the man as the man sets down the paper and puts his cigarette into the ashtray ,before grabbing the ruby earrings and the watch. As Chrollo pays for the earrings I wonder why he buys the earrings, why did he have the urge to.

"Chrollo why did you buy those earrings." I say to him as we leave the shop and begin walking again

"He had information, I needed to find the nen exorcist, and the ruby earrings were there for anyone who needed information, but I also thought they would look beautiful on you." Chrollo says to me "now would you like some lunch I heard there was a bistro around the corner."

"Yes. I'm famished from all that walking." I say as we turn the corner and see a small bistro like Chrollo had just said.

"Table for 2 ,under the name Lucilfer." Chrollo says this to the hostess and she giggles

"Lucilfer. Oh well there's a man over there who has a party of 3 for lucilfer." She points to a table in the back where someone was sitting, his pale face and his eccentric costume gave it away. Hisoka.

"Very well then we'll go with him." Chrollk says before I grab his arm

"What if he tries to kill us?" I whisper to him

"He won't, we're in public , I assume he wants something." Chrollo says before grabbing my hand and dragging me behind him to the table. I'm shaking , Hisoka knows what I can do, and he's tried to kill me before with a card , why is he even here these thoughts flood my head as the hostess sits us at our table and hands us menus.

"A waiter will be here soon for your drinks!" She smiles as she walks away

"Chrollo~ I'm so glad you decided to come here I would've been a disaster if you didn't~." Hisoka says as he flips through a card deck

"What would you like Hisoka?" Chrollo's eyebrows furrow ,before he grabs my chair and pulls it closer to him making it so that I'm directly shoulder to shoulder with him.

Hisoka lightly chuckles at this and stops flipping his cards and pulls a joker out of his deck "Well I'd like to make a deal.~"

Ok the whole story part of the page has 1420 words...😝

Anyways I'm sorry for the late update next update is tomorrow, ooooo I hope you're ready. For some deals to go down! Again I'm sorry for my bad quality writing

Also my ex texted me and tried to talk about anime with me, being the dumbass I am I fell for it ,and now he's texting me alot 🏃🏽‍♀️💨

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