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"Mommy why can't I go with the other kids? I wanna play ball too"

"Because a disgrace like you shouldn't be allowed to. Your a monster who ruins everything you touch."

My eyes blink awake,in a room ,a dark one that I've seen before. Looking around I remember this room it was from my old home in metor city.

"So you thought you could just dissappear from your current situation..." a familiar voice says to me,as the silhouette of a woman appers, not just any woman ,it was my mother "well you are a child of pitiful stupidity, I suppose I knew this day would come." She scoffs

I look down to realize I wasn't sitting in the chair, I backed away from the chair to see a younger me sitting there with the look of death on her face, as I backed away into the shadow of the room. I felt a hand grab me and cover my mouth.

I turned around to see my dead brother, his eyes cold and white,the life that was in them now gone,, I looked to sre his hands were also covered in blood, his chest was still oozing blood as well just like the day he died

"They know your here y/n... run." My brother whispers in my ear before I see the younger versions of me and my mother turn their eyes now cold and dead, as my brother was they were also covered in blood, but the blood was dripping from their mouths.

They approached me and grabbed me I felt my body tense up as I tried to scream, but no one could hear me, the hand covering my mouth made that clear. I suddenly felt what was the snap of a bone, and screamed again before feeling another snap, and another
I scream as I wake up, curling my knees up from under the covers into my chest as I shook violently. I looked around and saw they hotel room, and next to me a very concerned Chrollo. I looked at him,and still shook violently.

"You're not there anymore y/n you are now here." Chrollo says to me before reaching out to touch my hair and play with it. My eyes widley open at this action before he touches me, his touch was so gentle so peaceful,as he kept playing with my hair pinning it back and moving it to the side I looked at him.

"People tend to enjoy these things after a brutal scare." He says to me his eyes still on his book as he messed with my hair.

"When you're not used to it, it feels strange." I reply back my knees still at my chest shaking.

"Yes,I understand how you feel, affection is not something I typically understand, I only deal with it when I'm on a mission, due to the fact that I have to encounter people who I must give affection to. You however are a completely different case." Chrollo says to me as he closes his book and looks at my e/c eyes and smiles

"I guess you could say that, we're two of the same." I shakily say as I smile to him "we both don't understand affection enough to give it, we need to research it online before we can even do anything." Chrollo laughs at this comment and continues playing with my hair as I'm still curled up in a small ball

"Well I suppose you're right." He says to me "now lay down please, you need more rest for tomorrow."

I comply to his request and lay back down as my body shook. Still feeling Chrollo playing with my hair brought the same sense of saftey I've been feeling back. Before closing my eyes again and drifting off.

I wake up but this time it's daylight. I stare at Chrollo who was still awake and playing with my hair. It was an oddly comforting feeling which I've never felt before. I turn my body to face him, and as I do he stops fiddling with my hair.

"Good morning y/n, it's good to know you're awake." Chrollo closes his book and looks at me "we need to leave soon so I suggest ypu get ready I already got some coffee ,and small pastries to eat while we walk." He smiles at me

"Oh. Thank you. I'll change quickly so we can leave." I say climbing put of bed and looking through the bag of clothes from the small shop. I take out a pair of jeans and a shirt,before going to the bathroom, and getting changed ,as I emerged from the bathroom, I saw Chrollo. He was in jeans as well, but he was wearing a long sleeve shirt ,leaving his hair down and messy.

"Ready to leave?" Chrollo asks me as he notices I'm ready.

"Yes." I say grabbing my shopping bag as he grabs his along with the coffee he had made, leaving the hotel room.

After leaving the small town it had been about two hours of walking,beforeni felt a tug on my shoulder

"Y/n stay close,thugs tend to roam around this part of the desert." Chrollo says grabbing my shoulder a pulling me directly next to him.

"Why around here?" I ask slightly confused

"Because after walking for a while most people become tired and weak ,or maybe the person is on the run, so it makes it easier for bounty hunters and thugs to come find them and take them. " he responds to me his hand still on my shoulder.

"Interesting, if they weren't serious about their profession they would just go after their targets,and not wait for them to be weakend by the desert." I scoff

"Agreed. It is quite pitiful that they wait for their opponent to be weak ,it proves their weakness." Chrollo smiles at me and looks at me.

"Look there's YorkNew." I yell as we walk closer to a tall building that was now a few steps away.

"Once we get to YorkNew you will stay with me, I can't have my own trainee ,being tracked down for murder. " Chrollo says to me as we approach the edge of town.

"I understand that, I can't really go back anyways, someone found my location already possibly ,it's better to just drop everything and run, because if I return, the place will probably be ransacked. " I say as we step onto the sidewalk of York New.

"We're here y/n." Chrollo says to me as we stop infront of an old victorian house. It was painted darkly in grey,and black. Walking into the house it was quite gorgeous the walls were decorated with wallpaper that looked designer, with dark furniture and as well as flooring, it was Gothic looking to the eyes, but elegant Gothic.

"I'll be back. I'm going to go make myslef a proper cup of coffee, then I'll talk to you about your training." Chrollo says as he leaves to the kitchen.

I sit on the couch nervously fiddling with my fingers. I realized this was my new home ,at least until I could fight for myslef ,and even then I assure that Chrollo would make me stay with him as a precaution.

"Well y/n it's time to explain how we will train." Chrollo says as he walks back from the kitchen. Holding his coffee in one hand and what looked like another in the other hand. "Well let's begin shall we." He says taking a seat next to me.

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