Episode 37: Sins Past: An Earthni Halloween (Part 1)

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It was late afternoon on Earthni's first Halloween as a cleaved world. The excitement captivated the air. The Earth children were more than eager to get out there and bag as much sugary candy as they could get their tiny hands on. The mewman residents were eager to learn all about the lore of Halloween, from its ancient origins to the art of visiting houses abound to collect gobs of unhealthy treats to gorge on. The atmosphere was contagious. And the same could most definitely be said about our heroes. Halloween night marked a significant milestone for Star, and for multiple reasons. The first reason was, well, it was her first Halloween with Marco Diaz as her boyfriend/future husband. She had every intention of making it a memorable Halloween. But more importantly, it was the first major event that she was medically cleared for. Yes, gradually, Star had been recovering from her surgery, and while she wasn't physically where she wanted to be by this point, she had progressed enough where going out for trick-or-treating with friends was considered low-enough stress from her doctors. All she needed to do was have someone by her side to lean on...both figuratively and literally. Safe to say Star wasn't a fan of that arrangement.

"Come on, Star, it's just for your own safety." Marco tried to reassure her as the two of them, plus Jackie & Chloe waited outside the entrance to the orphanage. She was leaning up against him, arms wrapped around his waist and head resting on his shoulder, while Marco was holding both Meteora & Mariposa in his arms. The four were dressed in costumes for the holiday, with Star redressing as Ludo, her costume from the year before, & Marco dawning his Princess Turdina outfit, while Jackie was dressed up as an amazon warrior, while Chloe was dressed up in a Batgirl-esque costume.

"I know, but that doesn't mean I have to like it." She playfully moaned. Her focus on the impending arrival of the children dressed in their own adorable costumes kept her mind off her own misfortune. She and Marco looked over again at Jackie & Chloe & reveled in their outfits. "I looove your amazon costume, Jackie."

"Yeah you totally pull that look off." Marco inexplicably blurted out, causing him to embarrassingly cover his mouth with his free hand. This elicited laughter from the others.

"Thanks, guys." Jackie beamed with pride. "Chloe did a great job stitching this up for me."

Both Star & Marco had to do a double take with each other. "Wait, Chloe, you made that for her?"

"From scratch." Chloe said rather proudly. "Before I took up the skates, I was magnificent at sewing & costume design."

"And she's dang good at it, too!" Jackie happily endorsed.

"Well jeez, if I had known that sooner, I would've paid you to make me a costume this year."

"Really?" Marco teased. "I thought you loved dressing up as your former arch nemesis."

"Well, yeah, that's true. I do love this skull hat. But I don't know, if Chloe can pull off something like that-" Referring to Jackie's costume. "And make the wearer look that good, who knows what she could do for someone else."

Chloe & Jackie exchanged looks & blushed, both for different reasons. "Aww, Star...you know, next year you and I could totally be costume buddies!"

Just the mere mention of that was enough to make Star's face go red, as she tried unsuccessfully to hide her blush. "Oh, come on, hon. You and Jackie would go great in matching costumes." Marco teased, prompting her to lift her head up and glare at him playfully.

"Why must you encourage this?" Shrugs abound from Marco, but their conversation was quickly interrupted by the sound of the front door to the orphanage opening; out raced the group of children, all in varying costumes & carrying candy bags, towards the teens. More specifically, they raced towards Star, who didn't hesitate to open her arms up. Mariposa & Meteora also cheered as the children came barrelling out towards Star.

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