Episode 17: Sleepwalking SuperStar

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Star slowly opened her eyes, coming out of her extremely deep sleep. From the way she looked, one would think she hadn't slept for a week straight. Her vision remained blurry; she couldn't make out any shapes or objects for the time being. All she knew that she was resting on an extremely comfortable object. "Good morning, Marco..." She whispered in as flirty of a tone as she could. She gently patted the object and smacked her lips. Her vision slowly began to come back to her...just in time for the pain in her chest to return. "Stupid heart problems..." She gritted. But her nerves cooled down long enough to turn back to the object she was patting. "Marco, have I ever told you what a nice pillow you make? Your abs might be squishy but they're so comforting. It's like a cloud made out of marshmallows. Hmm...I wonder...I wonder if your hot boy tush would make for a better pillow..."

"Not nearly as good as yours, babe."

"Oh stop being so-" Uh oh. That voice didn't come from the ground. And finally her vision cleared completely, allowing her to see exactly what was wrong around her. She saw her boyfriend not a few feet in front of her, wearing a red bathrobe and waving nervously to him.

"Hi honey."

She then looked down at the ground and saw a sight that disturbed her. She saw that she had been sleeping not with or on her boyfriend, but on a large sack of flour, evidenced by the large puddle of drool on it. That wasn't what disturbed her; she was used to waking up to a wet pillow. What disturbed her was the fact that she was not in her room, her boyfriend's room, or even on the ground. No, in fact, she was...on a rooftop. Yes, on a rooftop. It took a few moments for the revelation to sink in for her. "Marco..." In a panic, she dashed to the edge of the roof and peered over, noticing the busy street below her; people were up and going about their day, while cars were passing by in a hurry.

How did she get here? What in the name of Earthni happened? And why was she so physically exhausted? She turned hastily to face Marco, her beating bloodshot eyes locking in on his concerned smile. "Marco...start talking. What is going on?!"

The boy stayed silent for a moment, slowly shuffling himself closer to his girlfriend. "You sure you want to know? I don't think you're gonna like what you hear."

"It's better than racking my brain trying to guess. Just tell me, Marco. I'm a big girl."

He took a deep breath and edged closer to her, eventually wrapping her in a hug. It was like his warning shot for what was to come. He was certain she was not going to like the answer he gave. He pulled back from the hug and looked her square in the eye. "...You've been sleepwalking."

Her tired eyes shot right open. No, that couldn't be true, could it? She hadn't sleepwalked since her early days on Earth, the days when she was still a wayward princess being incredibly reckless with magic. And now it was happening again? But why? "If that's a joke, Marco, it's not funny!"

"I wouldn't kid about something like this! Why would you think that?"

"I don't know! Why on Earth am I sleepwalking again!?"

"I was gonna ask you that. People don't just randomly start sleepwalking repeatedly out of the blue."

"...repeatedly?" Her inquiry made the boy realize he made a goof-up, covering his mouth quickly in a vain hope that she would drop the matter. "Marco...how long has this been going on?"


But before the boy even had a chance to answer, their attention was directed again at the ground. The two peered over the ledge and saw a small group of people gathering on the grass. This group consisted of Star's parents - Moon & River - Marco's parents - Angie & Rafael - Eclipsa, Globgor, Janna, & Pony Head. "Star!" Moon was the one calling out for her daughter.

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