Episode 13: Star Butterfly: Dungeon Master

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On this lovely Earthni day, Marco found himself heading out with his folks. Today was a day set aside for going to look at colleges. Though he was adamant about taking the Fall off from education, his intentions to start in the Spring semester meant he needed to figure out where he was going to go sooner rather than later. They were all right outside the Diaz household; Star was preparing to send them off, having agreed to house-sit for the day.

"I made you a tuna fish & cheese sandwich, crusts cut off, shaped into a heart-" Star explained, handing Marco a paper bag. "plus there's a sealed bag of cheesy nachos, a little pudding cup, and a bottle of cold water for you, in case your throat gets dry or scratchy."

All of a sudden, Star was playing the role of overprotective housewife. Not that Marco minded; her caring nature was cute and he adored how much she wanted to care for him. "I'm sure my throat will be fine, but thanks. We're just going to look at a few schools, I probably won't even have to talk to anybody."

"You don't know that. And I sure as heck don't know that. Doesn't mean you shouldn't be prepared."

He playfully rolled his eyes before bringing her in for a bear hug. "Thanks, honey. And thanks for agreeing to house-sit for us."

"Oh, it's no trouble. I'm not needed at the castle and there's no political nonsense going on, so I'm all clear."

Angie & Rafael walked out of the house - Mariposa in Angie's arm - and stopped by Star, hugging her in return. "Help yourself to anything in the fridge, dear."

"Except the pecan pie. That's entirely off-limits!" Rafael said firmly. "It's my comfort food."

"Don't you worry, Mr. and Mrs. Diaz, the house is in good hands." They shared one more hug before the Diazes went off, waving goodbye. "Good luck, guys! Have a good day!" The Diazes all exchanged goodbyes with Star as the car drove off. And now Star was left to her own devices for the day. That was at least 8 hours - likely longer - that she had to entertain herself. Surely she could find something to do. She pondered her options as she took a seat on the couch. The awkward silence filling the air around her did nothing to quell any nerves. With so much nervous energy, she had to do something. So she came to the only logical conclusion she could.

She was going to clean the house. That's right. Every single corner of the house was going to be cleaned from top to bottom.

==Page Break==

It took some time, but Star put her mind to it and, after several hours, managed to clean every room of the house. Sweeping, dusting, scrubbing, you name it, and she did it. No prompting, no prodding, heck, the Diazes didn't even ask her to do it. But she did. And she was dang proud of herself when it was all done. But now she was exhausted, and there was bruising on her right hand - for some reason - and with the Diazes still away for at least several more hours, she had to find something else to do. And so she came to the next logical conclusion. She went up to Marco's room, took her boots off, and climbed into Marco's bed, preparing herself to settle for a quick nap.

Unfortunately that plan went up in smoke. As soon as she closed her eyes, there was a knock at the front door. The former princess excitedly jumped up, assuming it was Marco and his folks. She raced downstairs and opened the door. "MARCO-" Only to find that it wasn't. Instead, it was Alfonzo, Ferguson, Tom & Janna. Alfonzo & Ferguson were holding some sort of board game in their hands. "O-Oh, hey guys."

"'Sup, kiddo." Janna said with a smile.

"We're here to see Marco. He here today?" Alfonzo asked right away.

"I guess he didn't tell you guys. He's out today looking at colleges for the Spring." Alfonzo & Ferguson expressed visible disappointment. Janna, however, remained stoic.

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