Episode 32: Moonlight Monsieur

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For what seemed like an eternity, everyone in the group remained unconscious. The catastrophic impact from the magical overload knocked the wind right out of them all. The only thing that they would know instantly upon awakening was that they were no longer on Earthni. But where exactly were they? Their questions would soon be answered. One by one, the group began opening their eyes and rubbing the blurriness away. It turned out that they all were in another dimension entirely, and a very peculiar one at that.

Surrounding them all - on various ground planes - stood thousands upon thousands of doors. Each door led to a different dimension in the multiverse. This new dimension they were currently in was essentially a hub world, if you would. "...What the hell's going on?" Marco exclaimed as he helped his girlfriend and then the rest of his group up onto their feet. "Where are we?"

"Can it be...?" Cassandra took a gander all around her and enamored at the sight before her. "Yes...we're at the center of the multiverse."

"This is the center of the multiverse?" Eclipsa questioned, also taking in what laid before her. "Perhaps I was expecting something more...I don't know, spectacular-looking?"

"Unfortunately not every corner of the multiverse can be glamorous, my dear." Cassandra then turned to Mariposa, who was clearly still traumatized over the most recent turn of events. "An interesting spot to take us to, no?"

A moment of silence passed; the gears in Mariposa's head were turning and it was obvious to everyone that this was not planned. "...I was shooting for the Neverzone. I...have no idea how this happened."

"Must've been the magical overload..."

"Is this really the center of the multiverse?" Star asked, walking slowly towards a door. "These doors?"

"Yes, each door leads to another unique dimension."

"So...they're like portals."

"Spiritually, if you wish."

"But...which door leads to what dimension?" She asked; Cassandra shrugged. "And why here at all?"

"This might actually work in our favor." Cassandra explained, continuing to scan the area. "There's still one magical crystal unaccounted for. We must retrieve it quickly! If we allow it to fall into Manfred's hands...or anyone else's for that matter-"

"It would be curtains for Earthni." Came the sniveling, yet sinister voice of Manfred, who, along with his legion of mewman puppets, had managed to regain his footing. To say that he was already proving to be a nuisance to the Butterflies was a massive understatement. "Yes, yes, with a second magical artifact, that should be more than enough power to return our kingdom to its former glory...and destroy that worthless "Earth" that's corrupted it, as well as those useless, oxygen-sucking monsters. Good to know. Good to know indeed." He maniacally stroked his wand. Why would a madman stroke a wand like it was his significant other? Because the Kool-aid Man is red, I guess. "The question now becomes...what portal to try first?"

"Ooh ooh I know!" Marco excitedly yelled, having looked inside the door he was standing next to and opened it up. It was a portal that apparently led to a pitch-black dimension. No light was to be found anywhere. "Why don't you start here? Nobody would ever think to look here!"

While most of the group was able to catch on to Marco's amateur-yet-well-intended scheme, not everyone was on board from frame one. Meteora took a bit longer to figure it out, and immediately she thought he was simply being a Marco again. "Yeah, that's brilliant. Just lead the guy towards the very thing that could end us all in a dimension containing exactly zero light and throwing him into eter-ohhhhh..." Now it was settling in for her, which caused Star to punch her arm in frustration. Not hard, however.

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