Episode 16: Ludo The Lovable Lug

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On this beautiful sunny, Earthni day, we find ourselves following the story of Ludo, the lovable little lug, as he and his younger brother Dennis were on the basketball court of their castle home, playing a casual game with each other. Emphasis on "casual," as this game was rather low energy for them. When Ludo managed to get a shot off of his brother, he didn't even flinch.

"Hooray, score..." He droned in a monotone voice before slinking to the ground in absolute boredom.

"You okay, bro?" Dennis asked, approaching him and offering him a helping hand.

"That depends. Are you as bored as I am?"

To Ludo's surprise, Dennis breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh thank goodness. I was afraid to say anything."

"Dennis, do you realize we've been doing almost nothing but play basketball in our courtyard since..." Ludo gestured broadly to the world in front of them. "This happened?"

"Well, now that you mention it, our days have been starting to feel a little bit repetitive here and there."

"Exactly! We need to shake things up! We have to do something new and exciting and fulfilling!"

"But what? Did you have any ideas?"

Ludo dusted himself off and began pacing around the court. "No, not a one. What possible use could I have now that there's no magic to harvest or any territories I feel like conquering."

"Does everything have to be about conquering something or someone?"

He turned sharply to Dennis. "Well if I don't have that going for me, then who am I?! Who is Ludo Avarius!?"

"Hey, don't think of it like that. Think of this as a new opportunity to make something better. It's a completely fresh start, you can do anything!"

"Oh really? I'm pretty sure I can't fly or move things with my mind."

Dennis could only give off a deadpanned face. "That's not what I meant-"

"I know, I'm only teasing. But really what could a cretin like myself possibly do? What positive contributions could I make to society that won't be frowned upon?"

"How about...acting?" Dennis proposed. "You're charismatic, charming, adaptable...seems to me you'd fit the bill perfectly." Ludo was excited by the idea but perplexed at the notion. Really? That was the first idea Dennis settled on. "What?"

"No no, nothing, nothing at all. And just where would I find any openings to fulfill this role?"

==Page Break==

So Dennis & Ludo set off in search of opportunities. One of the buildings they passed was the Echo Creek "Unemployment Agency" center. As the name implied, it was intended to help people looking for stable work. So they decided that this was the best place for them to start. The place was relatively slow on this day, allowing both Ludo & Dennis to immediately approach the front desk and the disgruntled, middle-aged woman working it. "How can I help you gentleman today?" She asked without looking up from the paper she was reading.

"I'm looking to make a positive impact on today's society by utilizing my talents in the field of work you Earth humans called "acting." Ludo responded with a straight face. That was one way to get her attention. His inquisitive answer made her look up from her paper and stare both at them in the eye. She was simultaneously unimpressed and intrigued, so much so that she rummaged through her desk and pulled out some papers clipped together.

"Well aren't you an enthusiast." She said with a very dry and sarcastic delivery.

"...No, I'm a Kappa."

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