⚡️Thunderstorm|| Zenitsu x Chubby! Reader⚡️

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I stared at my crow, C/N, as it informed me of my next mission.

'Moonfront village, eh? I heard that's pretty far from here. Well, I better get moving if I want to make it there in time.'

I pushed myself off against the tree I was leaning on and made my way down the dirt path. It had been about two days since I've gotten a mission, and I had been itching to get back into the action. Protecting people had always been a passion of mine, and demons proved to be a threat towards them. So naturally, I trained to become a Demon Slayer and became a hell of a good one at that. Rookie or not, it was clear I was skilled at demon killing.

I took the time to admire my surroundings. The sky was a baby blue with fluffy clouds scattered throughout it. Birds soared against the blue backdrop, occasionally gliding with the spring breeze. Amongst them, I spotted C/N. C/N performed tricks in the air as they accompanied me wordlessly from overhead. I then looked ahead of me, admiring how the dirt path shifts with each hill in the terrain. Along the trail, various flowers began to sprout, revealing the hues in each of the petals.

The serene silence that enveloped me just moments ago shattered as I detected wailing. My hand subconsciously hovered over my sword as I made my way closer to the cries. The closer I got, the more familiar the wails sounded.

'Is that... Zenitsu?'

My internal accusation was confirmed when I saw the said man curled into a fetal position. His Sparrow, Ukogi, chirped wildly, trying to promote Zenitsu to withdraw from his foolish antics. I shook my head at the scene and advanced towards the pair.

"Ukogi, what's the problem?"

I asked, my hand moving to smooth out my haori.

Ukogi peeped a couple of times, revealing why the blonde male laid crumpled in the path. I listened closely to every chirp and began processing the information.

"So what your telling me is that Zenitsu got rejected by a girl walking down the path? Then he just refused to move and has been like this for hours?"

Ukogi nodded vigorously and began pecking at Zenitsu's cheek. I moved in front of Zenitsu and studied his face. I was taken aback to see the expression he wore. It wasn't like the usually overdramatic appearance that he had after a rejection. His eyes seemed emotionless, and tears had dried onto his cheeks. I kneeled by his head and looked closer. Worry started to build up inside me as I moved my chubby hand to cup his cheek.

He appeared to flinch at the touch of my warm hand on his cold cheek, just now registering I was there. His two-toned eyes clashed with my E/C ones in an instant. A deep red settled across his fair cheeks as he leaned into my touch. His calloused hand grasped mine and squeezed it lightly. My heart skipped a beat as I turned to look at the sky.

The clouds I admired not so long ago had become gray and crowded collectively overhead. I looked back down at Zenitsu, who was still observing me. I shook the feeling of embarrassment from my mind and helped him up.

"It's about to rain. We should find somewhere to wait out the storm."

Just as I uttered those words, raindrops began to fall from the heavens. I began to walk forwards, mind set on following the path. I was only able to take a few steps before my hand was back in Zenitsu's palm. My heartbeat quicken as he took the lead, avoiding eye contact. I tried not to think about how out of character he was being. Instead, I focused on calming the butterflies that began arising in my stomach.


After about five minutes of walking, we stumbled upon an abandoned shack. It certainly wasn't ideal, but it was better than being caught in the ever-worsening storm. Zenitsu, who was still holding my hand, led me into the building. The interior was just like I imagined. Cobwebs hung loosely in the corners, swaying slightly when the draft blew in from the cracks. A thin sheet of dust coated the creaky floorboards and arose when stepped on.

I reluctantly released Zenitsu's hand and made my way to the center of the building. The floorboards groaned at my weight as I set down my pack. I shuffled through it and retrieved a thin blanket I packed. I naively assumed that I would arrive in the village the same day, causing me to be unprepared for the current situation. I swallowed thickly and looked over my shoulder at Zenitsu.

He looked away quickly upon meeting my eyes. The moonlight that crept through the cracks provided just enough light to see the red on his cheeks. I chose to ignore it, casting it off as the effects of the cold.

"I, um, I only have this."

I held up the blanket even though he wasn't looking.

"We could share it if y-you want?"

He jumped at my last sentence and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Y-you would allow me to sleep with you?"

I cringe inwardly at his wording but nodded nevertheless. He seemed to regain his usual attitude and skipped towards me. I eyed him carefully as he took off his haori and folded it.

"Here, Y/N ~ Chan... you can use it as a pillow if you like."

I was thankful for the increasing darkness as a coy smile graced my features. I accepted the offer, and we began to get situated on the floor. It was by no means comfortable, but being so close to Zenitsu took my mind off it. We laid in peaceful quiet for a few minutes before I broke it.

"Hey, Zenitsu?"

I called out his name in the darkness.


"Earlier, when you were crying, you seemed different. Was the girl that rejected you that pretty?"

I waited a few moments for his response but didn't receive one. I figured he had nodded off but was corrected when he grabbed my hand. For what seemed like the millionth time today, my heartbeat sped up. I turned my head to the right, feeling his warm breath wash over my face. I squeezed his hand tighter, painfully aware of how close we were.

"I... was crying because of you."

I was ready to question him, but he continued speaking.

"Ever since we met, I have liked you a lot... but I was scared you reject me. I'm a coward after all, and someone as strong as you deserves someone who is equally strong. So I tried to forget you. I figured if I got into a relationship that would help me forget, but it's impossible to forget someone like you, Y/N ~ Chan."

I squeezed his hand tighter as a strand of lightning struck outside, illuminating the room for a split second.

"You really are an idiot, Zenitsu. You're one of the strongest people I know, and I would never reject your confession. I liked you for a long time as well, but I assumed you only like girls like Nezuko."

I heard him take a sharp inhale as he registered my words. I knew that he understood what I meant by that. It was clear as day, wasn't it? Nezuko was pretty and thin. Don't get me wrong, I know that I'm beautiful, but guys didn't choose girls like me. At least not in most cases.

"Are you sure I'm the idiot here, Y/N ~ Chan?"

I felt him shift to turn onto his side, and I followed suit. He unclasped his hand from mine and cupped my cheek instead.

"I don't think I've ever seen s-someone as beautiful as you. You take my breath away in the best way possible."

Before I could respond, his lips met mine in a sweet dance. Our lips molded perfectly together. We broke away after a few moments, gasping for air.

"W-we should go to sleep. We have a big adventure in front of us tomorrow."

We snuggled closer to each other and slowly drifted away into a cozy slumber. Even though we were on the floor, it was the best sleep I had in a while. Something told me that this wouldn't be the last time Zenitsu and I would sleep side by side.


Ok, but this really makes me want to write a whole Zenitsu x Chubby! Reader book. 🧍🏾‍♀️~ Fandom

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