🍁An Autumn's Kiss|| Tanjiro x Insecure! GN! Chubby! Reader🍁

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Slight Angst/ Fluff Heaven
Requested By: @AkemiTodorokiSenpai
Request: "Can I have a fluff Tanjiro x gender-neutral insecure reader, please? ❤️"

"Y/N! Tanijro is at the door waiting for you!"

I sprang up from my spot on the ground and made my way towards the door. My steps among the hardwood floorboards were swift yet timid, conveying the nervousness I felt. Butterflies seemed to fill my stomach as I made eye contact with Tanjiro. A kind smile made its way to his delicate features as he took my chubby hand in his.

"I'll have them back before eight!"

With that, we advanced down the dirt path outside my house. Leaves of different colors curled in the cool Autumn breeze. They eventually settled comfortably on the rooftops of shops and homes. I proceeded to marvel at the stunning work of Mother Nature until I heard the whisper of my name.

"Y-yes, Tanjiro?"

His gaze set upon my face as he repeated his unheard statement, warmth now rising to his cheeks.

"I said you look cute."

My eyes widen a considerable amount at his bold declaration. As much as I wanted to accept his compliment, I couldn't. The insecurity that lived in my mind cast it off as a pitiful remark. Soon, the negative thought multiplied and filled my head with a cobweb of negative criticisms. A slight frown contorted my once flustered expression.

Tanjiro seemed to panic at my sudden mood shift. He stopped abruptly and caught my hand in his. The stream of village people made their way around us as we spoke.

"I-I'm sorry, Y/N! I didn't mean to make you feel bad... it's just... I-"

I swallowed thickly and cut him off, trying to correct the conclusion he reached.

"No, no. You didn't do anything at all. I made... myself feel bad."

He seemed confused at my statement, but I advanced forward before he could question my words. The walk to our destination was a silent affair after our last conversation. I could only imagine what expression Tanijro wore, seeing as I was still in the lead. Soon enough, the signs of civilization began to become further and further apart. Eventually, only the sounds of wildlife skittering nearby filled the atmosphere.

"Ah, we're here!"

Tanjiro broke the tense silence that once enveloped us with his joyful exclamation. He hurried past me and up the hill in front of us. At the peak of the hill sat a towering tree. Its once greens leaves had morphed into an explosion of yellows and oranges. The scene was breathtaking, but it was nothing compared to the pearly white smile Tanjiro sent me. I ascended the hill at a moderate pace until I was standing beside the ruby-haired boy.

"It's beautiful."

Tanjiro studied me as he responded quietly, a blush once again painting his features.

"Yeah, it is."


We sat at the peak for hours, discussing our plans for the distant future. I couldn't help but feel shy as I gradually realized that all his plans involved me somehow. The said boy remained beside me with his head resting on my plush shoulder. His soft locks tickled my neck as he would occasionally readjust himself. As he rambled on, I looked out towards the pinkish horizon, realizing the sun was setting.

"Tanijro? We should head back to the village now. The sun is beginning to set."

He stopped his endless stream of words and peered out into the distance. His red orbs shined brightly as the scattered rays of light met them.

"You're right! I don't want your mom to worry."

Tanijro began descending the grassy mound, and I followed suit soon after. In my attempt to catch up, I lost my footing and began tumbling down the steep hill.


A shrill cry ripped out from my throat after feeling a sharp pain in my right ankle. Tanjiro hurried to my crumpled figure in a hurry.

"Y/N! Are you ok? I should have helped you down, I'm sor-"

I raised a hand, signaling him to stop his endless apologies.

"It's ok, Tanjiro. I think I twisted my ankle, though."

Before I could inspect the damage done, I got hoisted up into Tanjiro's arms. I immediately froze at his unexpected actions.

"I'm too heavy, Tanjiro! Put me down before you hurt yourself!"

He looked down at me with a smile and began walking.

"Nonsense! You're as light as a feather, see?"

To prove his point, he tossed me slightly in the air and caught me again. I remained silent for a few seconds but nodded up at him.

"Fine, but if you get tired put me down, ok?"

He simply squeezed me closer to his warm chest and let out a light laugh at my flustered expression. I wrapped my plush arms around his neck and pushed my face into him. The warmth that radiated off his figure and the combined sounds of him humming lulled me to sleep.


"Y/N, we're here."

My eyes fluttered open slowly as I took in my surroundings. We were now back in the village and stood in front of my house.

"Thanks for carrying me back here, Tanji. I didn't mean to fall asleep on you."

He placed me down gently and took a step back so I could wake up my legs.

"It's no problem! Plus, I never mind having a reason to hold you."

A blush made its way to his cheeks as he looked at me shyly. I fiddle with my hands, thinking about my next move.

"H-hey, Tanjiro?"

He met my gaze timidly and nodded at me to continue. I limped towards him and pressed my lips against his. I felt him jump slightly, but soon he wrapped his arms around me and leaned in. After a few moments, we reluctantly pulled away to catch our breath. I smiled at him shyly and cupped his cheek.

"You're cute too."


AHHHHHH, this was my first request! I hope it was to your liking and thank you for reading! ~ Fandom ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

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