💞His Goddess|| Gaara x Chubby! Confident! Internally Fragile! Reader Pt.1💞

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Angst/Fluffy Heaven
Requested By: @altgirlwishes
Request: "Hello! I was wondering if you could possibly do either a Fred Weasley or Gaara and chubby confident (but internally fragile/shy/self-hate) reader? Maybe some cute fluff from angst? XD"


Being the Kazekage's girlfriend wasn't easy, nor did it help your confidence like you might have thought.

It seemed every day someone had something to say about your appearance, your clothes, your hair, you. While your confidence was soaring, it was hard to fight off those intrusive thoughts that always seemed to return. Sure, you knew they just wanted to bring you down to build themselves up, but what if they were right? What if you were too big, ugly, not good enough for him...


What if he thought the same? The stoic man was never big on PDA or affection in general. This lack of reassurance only allowed your insecurities to fester and chip away at your withering confidence. Confidence that you worked so hard to build over the years. Like right now. As you gazed upon your clothed frame in the mirror, you couldn't help but wonder if your outfit was too tight.

You allowed your meticulous orbs to run over your body, noting every bit of stretched F/C fabric, the bump your belly made against it, and how the dress hugged your wide hips. Turning to reveal your side profile, you silently scrutinized it. You tried to find the nice words you always told yourself and believed, but none came to mind. Only the doubts that others planted in your head seemed to materialize.

'Are the sleeves a bit too snug? Maybe I should change into something else. What if someone says something abo-'

"What has stolen your attention, my Goddess?" A gruff voice questioned behind you, prompting you to stop nitpicking your physique and face it.

There in all his glory stood the fifth Kazekage of the sand. His clothed arms sat limply at his sides, and his feet planted firmly to the ground. A flicker of curiosity shined across his pale cyan orbs, a stark contrast against the dark circles surrounding them. You merely shook your head and walked the short distance to your bed, sitting down. A sigh broke from your lips as you brought your attention to Gaara.

"I'm just tired." You lied through your teeth, but the hum that sounded from Gaara's throat proved he didn't believe you.

As someone who was accustomed to using that excuse a lot in his earlier days, he was well aware of the lie. Still, that's why you love him. Gaara never allowed you to have a bad day on your own. It was moments like this where you felt his love.

"You caught me." Presenting your hands in mock surrender. "The truth is that I don't feel like myself nowadays. The people of the village have been saying things, mean things, about me. I'm just worried that those little insecurities will come back and consume me, Gar. Maybe-, ugh, it doesn't matter." You sighed once again and buried your head in your hands.

Gaara moved from his position and sat beside you now. With a hand, he exposed your face to him and wiped a tear you didn't know you shed.

"It matters if it's making you cry. What were you going to say?" He pushed, taking your hands in his.

You willed your eyes away from his, fearing the disappointment you were sure was going to be painted on his face at your following words.

"Maybe... maybe you would start to believe them too." Your voice was low and strained as you tried to fight to sob building in your windpipe.

Silence hung thickly in the air for a few moments, neither of you moving. The thump in your chest quickened at the silence, but you still couldn't bring yourself to face him again. The gears in your head started to turn, and the doubts once again plagued your mind. What did his silence mean? Did he already believe them?

"Look at me." His voice was stern, but you caught the sprinkle of shock in it as well.

You complied and faced him fully. His calloused hands left yours and gripped your shoulders lightly, tugging you forward. Gaara's next move stunned you momentarily as he began peppering your face with light kisses. After each, an affirmation followed, falling off his lips and into your ears.


A kiss was planted on your forehead.


A kiss on your left cheek.


A kiss on your right cheek.


A slow kiss on your neck.

"Gar!" You jumped, even more flustered, and swatted his arm.

He chuckled lowly and placed a final kiss upon your lips.

"But most importantly, mine." He concluded, pulling you into a tight embrace. You wrapped your arms around him as he began to speak against your shoulder.

"I worship your personality, body, smile, you. That is why you're my Goddess, Y/N. "

You took a second to process his words and smiled to yourself. It seemed with each kiss, each heart-felt word, the doubts faded away, and your confidence was no longer under attack. You are smart, perfect, stunning, ravishing." Butterflies swelled in your stomach at the word.

"I love you, Gar." Squeezing him even closer to yourself.

"And I love you, my Goddess." He declared with a sigh of content.



"I could totally expel them from the village for you, by the way. Hell, I say we kill the lot of 'em!

"Gaara, no!"

"Jk, unless?"

Just kidding, but could you imagine? Gaara needs more appreciation (and fanfics). Anyways, thank you for reading! I hope you all enjoyed it and have an amazing day/night. I love you all so much! ~ Fandom

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