🧹Chores and Chuckles|| Naruto x Chubby! Reader🧹

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Fluff Heaven
Requested By: @SuSsY_BaKa_6969
Request: "A Naruto x chubby reader (Fluff)."


"Are you ready, Y/N?" Naruto held the doorknob to his apartment tightly, just as anxious as you.

With a curt nod, you mentally prepared yourself to see the damage. Naruto had asked you to help him clean his apartment, and you agreed, knowing your boyfriend desperately needed the help. Your soft hands were being smothered with F/C gloves, each holding buckets full of various cleaning products.

"Let's do this!" You confidently declared and took a step forward. Swallowing thickly, he began to open the door slowly, reluctant to disclose his living conditions right away.

That very same confidence slowly dissipated as the door creaked open inch by inch. Trash and clothes were, well, everywhere. Most of the floor was invisible and a slight stench hung in the air. Ramen bowls upon ramen bowls were stacked somewhat neatly in the corner. Controlled chaos, if you will.

It was then you focused your attention on Naruto. The said boy was looking out the window, attempting to hide the embarrassment on his face.

"Look, it's ok if you don't want to help anymore! I - I got it, after all. Believe it!" He threw on a confident facade and crossed his arms. The fake smile he sported teetering on the edge of turning into a frown.

"Nope! I said I was going to help, and I intend to!" You pushed past him and mentally started planning what you were going to tackle first.

'It's hard to see what exactly I'm stepping on, definitely need to clean the floor first.'

"Ok." You pointed at the blond and then to the trash-covered floor. "I'll let you get up the clothes to be washed, and I'll get the trash up." You asserted, starting on your part.

"Yes, mam!" He called out from behind you, clearly relieved you decided to stay.

While it was a struggle, the floor slowly started to become visible. In the short time you had been there, you had already filled two bags full of trash. Naruto was making quick work of his part as well. He had separated his colored clothes from his whites and loaded them in their respected bins. As you continued to scan the floor, you spotted a bin tucked in a dim corner of the room. You made your way over and peered into it. There inside its dark depths laid empty ramen seasoning packets.

"Naruto, what the actual heck is this?" You pointed at the bin, concern morphing your face.

"Huh? You found my secret collection bin!" He sped over and held it to his chest protectively. You could have sworn a hiss bubbled from his throat, but you decided to cast it off.

"Hey, don't go feral over there. I'm not going to touch your babies, promise!" You chuckled and stepped away from him to resume cleaning.

A quick once-over of the room revealed a piece of paper lodged between the bed and wall. You walked the short distance to the object and began reading the sloppy ink.

'A to-do list? Interesting...'

Become Hokage
Prank Kakashi Sensei
Rasengan Pervy Sage
Eat a thousand bowls of Ramen

You glanced back to the bin of seasoning packs that was now relocated to Naruto's shelf and laughed inwardly.

'You're well on your way. Oh, there's something here on the bottom.'

E/C orbs squinted in concentration as you scanned the tiny scrawls of ink.

Marry Y/N <3

Your eyes blew open, head snapping to look at your boyfriend. He was in the midst of making a bubble beard, unaware of you staring.

"N-Naruto? Um, what is this?" You held up the piece of paper and fought the urge to bury your head in a nearby pillow.

"What's what?" He popped up and glanced at you.

His cheeks began heating up as he looked at the paper, knowing exactly what he wrote months prior when you two started dating. Hastily, he scrambled to his feet and went to tackle you. You stood frozen, too stunned to attempt evading his attack. The two of you went flying back onto his bed as he collided with you and seized the paper out of your grasp.

"N-Naruto!" Your hands flew to his shoulders as butterflies bloomed in your stomach.

The said boy's face was a mere few inches away from yours, eyes boring into yours as the blush that coated his cheeks deepened. For a moment, neither of you moved and laid in that stance. He broke eye contact first and switched to gazing at your slightly parted lips.

You could feel your heart quicken at the action, but it nearly skipped a beat when he inched forward more. Now, your lips were nearly touching, one word, and they would surely meet. Swallowing your embarrassment, you closed the distance and kissed him. His breath hitched, but he eagerly kissed back. Your hands moved up to weave between his blonde locks. Though you both were running out of breath, you continued, neither of you keen on pulling back just yet.

A knock sounded from the window, and both of your eyes snapped open. Kakashi was on the window seal crouching. In his gloved hand was a basket of vegetables, clearly meant to improve Naruto's unhealthy diet. The said boy pulled away from you and reached to open the window.

"Kakashi sensei! What are you doing here? I thought you were out on a mission?" He inquired excitedly, seemingly forgetting about the intimate moment you two just shared a moment ago.

You sat up and began smoothing out your clothes. You glanced back at your oblivious boyfriend as he excitedly questioned Kakashi about his mission.

'It's like we didn't even kiss!' Shocked at how quickly his attention turned.

Though, you would be lying if you said you weren't thankful he took the attention off you and avoided what could have been an even more embarrassing situation.

'Geez, what am I going to do with you, Naruto?' You glanced back at the piece of paper, now crumpled and resting on the floor. A smile graced your features as you thought about your findings.

'I suppose marry you, huh? I wouldn't mind that.'

You studied your boyfriend once more. A feeling of love bubbling in your chest.

'I wouldn't mind that at all.'


Ahhhh, sorry for the wait, but I hoped you enjoyed it! I love Naruto to death, even if he can be bit of an airhead. 😂 I love you guys and I hope you all have a good day/night! ~ Fandom 💜

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