✨Confident|| Mori x Chubby! Reader✨

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   Confident. It took a long time before you could describe yourself as such. Yet here you are, full of self-love and good vibes. Your once dull E/C eyes now gained a sparkle in them like stars.

Currently, you were trying to find a quiet place to read with your best friend, Haruhi. You were exactly two years older than her. The said girl looked at you with disappointment evident in her eyes.

"Y/N, there aren't any quiet places in this whole building! How am I suppose to finish this book if I can't even concentrate?"

You put your hands on your full hips. A smile played on your lips as you thought of the perfect place.

"Well, there is this one place."

Her eyes lit up as she stopped, fully turning to face you.

"Well, spill it!"

You let out a small chuckle and decided to satisfy her curiosity.

"I heard of this abandoned music room. Let me think, oh yeah! It's music-room three."

Haruhi nodded and began to head in a direction we haven't traveled in yet. After what seemed like ages, we finally found the music room. You let out a sigh and smoothed out the hideous dress you were required to wear.

"Welp, this is it. What do you think?"

Haruhi narrowed her eyes at the door then responded.

"I could have sworn I heard something behind it."

You shrugged and pushed open the door without another thought. A golden light started to make its way out of the door. Almost immediately, you averted your eyes from the light. From your squinted orbs you could see rose petals swaying through the air.

"What type of witchcraft is this?"

A low chuckle was heard somewhere in the room. Looking up, you saw a group of handsome young men and a child with a pink bunny. They all wore gentle smiles and came together to chant one of their spells.

"Welcome to the Ouran Highschool Host Club!"

You looked up in curiosity. Your eyes immediately met with grey ones. The tall male let out a small grunt and nodded towards you. Seeing as Haruhi was busy talking to the rest, you walked closer to him.


You internally cursed at yourself for stuttering. A ghost of a smile was placed on his lips. You cleared your throat and continued to speak.

"My name is L/N Y/N, may I have yours?"

You looked up at the male before you, just now taking in his features. He had a sharp jaw and a long but narrow nose. You looked past his stormy eyes to study the dark tufts of hair on his head. Saying he was attractive was an understatement.


'Not much of a talker I see.'

You nodded and sent him a kind smile. A faint blush made its way to his cheeks.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Mori. I hope we can become friends."

Turns out life had other plans, however. After a mere six months, you two started dating. It didn't come as a shock to the other hosts, you two were practically made for each other. Of course, many Mori regulars were upset, but they decided to move on. Except one.

Akari Yuna, that bitch.

She could push your buttons like nobody could. Her sly remarks and obvious attempts of flirting with Mori were getting to you. More than you like to admit. You were currently thinking about one of her recent remarks.

"I can't believe Mori-senpai would date a cow like you. Tch, well, it can't be helped. I'll just have to show him exactly what he's missing."

Her words repeated themselves inside of your head like an endless loop. It was so frustrating to think that she could break through years of built-up confidence. That she could make you question yourself.

'Maybe Mori does deserve better.'

You immediately shook your head at the thought. All the while, Mori studied you quietly. He knew exactly what was on your mind. He spent the day observing you and contemplating how he could ease your worries.

Eventually, the school day came to an end. You were one of the last students out the gate. You were minding your own business until a whisper of your name pulled you out of your thoughts. Looking over your shoulder you saw Mori. He walked forward, closing the gap between you.

"Y/N, can we talk?"

Your heart thumped rapidly in your chest. Had Yuna stolen your beloved away? Is he going to break up with you? Your worry was now shown on your face. Mori put his hands on your shoulders and began to speak.

"Y/N, I love you. Only you. Yuna will never be you, never."

You let your tears escape and embraced him. He immediately returned the hug and rubbed your back.

"Hey, Mori."


"I love you too."

You looked at each other and shared a sweet kiss.

'Take that, Yuna.'


Mori, marry me... I mean- Hey guys! Thanks for reading and make sure to comment! -Fandom <3

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