🖤His Infatuatuion| | Yandere! Ryo x Chubby! Reader🖤

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Stockholm Syndrome/ A handful of spice
Requested By: @Aceswife
Request: "Yandere Ryo (Devilman) x Chubby reader please? ❤️"


You grimaced at the mocking tone Ryo's usual apathetic voice held. It's been weeks since he kidnapped and chained you up. Every attempt to rationalize with him only fueled his fire.

Your wrists were rubbed raw from trying to fight against the chains. They clattered against the floor with each futile attempt, alerting Ryo to your refusal to break. The room you were in was poorly lit, and a musk hung stagnant in the air.

"Why?" Your voice drawled out, raspy and broken.  

Tired E/C eyes bored into his. A glint of yearning flashed across them in response. He stood lazily on the opposite side of the bars. A lopsided grin matured across his face as he studied your expression. He could see it, smell it even. You were desperate, and that's what he needed. 

"Why do you keep resisting my love? Wouldn't it be so much easier to give in?" He tilted his head in mock confusion.

You kept silent and averted your eyes to the cobbled floor. You were scared for your safety. Scared for your family's safety. Scared because the butterflies he gave you were still there. They fluttered more violently than the day you first set eyes on him. It made you sick. At least, that's what you told yourself.

Ryo was no fool. He knew that even if that was the case, you needed a push. Isolation wasn't working, so he decided to go with the next best thing, torture. Behind his back, he twirled a blade with a sole pale hand.

He made his way into the cell, eyeing you hungrily while doing so. His movements were slow and calculated. It was as if he was approaching a wounded animal. His shoes entered your vision, prompting you to look up at him.

You studied his ironed pants, his sculpted frame that pushed against his button-up shirt, and stopped at his clenched jaw. You dared not to meet his eyes again, afraid of what you might see. You licked your chapped lips and prepared another useless plea.

"I- I just want to go home, Ryo. Ple-."

"Say it again."

Your body froze at the urgency in his voice.

"W- What?"

"Say it again. My name."

You momentarily contemplated the two choices you had. Repeat his name or refuse to obey. Both options were less than ideal, and you had no way of knowing what would result from either decision. Still, going against him seems to be the riskiest option.

"Ryo?" Your voice was meek and unsure.

A low, dangerous growl sounded from his chest in response. You bit your lip in anticipation, unsure of what this meant. Suddenly, a hand found its place on your jaw, another around your plush midsection. The clattering of a blade sounded on the floor, but you had no time to react.

Your breath was caught in your throat as he claimed your lips. The kiss was anything but slow and sweet. It was a dance between tongue and teeth, lips clashing against each other desperately. He pressed his frame further into yours, craving to feel your body.

Ryo broke the kiss and latched onto your soft jaw. He trailed sloppy kisses against your neck and nipped at the skin. You were trembling at this point from his needy hands grabbing at you. You pushed your hand against his chest to get his attention.

"Ryo, w- we shouldn't." You bit back the moan that was threatening to spill out.

His lips hovered next to your ear, warm breath washing over it. A chill crawled up your spine at the act.

"Worship me, Y/N. Together we can cause armageddon. So,"

He pressed a firm kiss onto your lips before continuing.

"Be mine." 

Your eyes scoured his for any hint of a lie, but all you saw was the truth, want. You didn't know if it was because of the intimate moment you two just shared. Or maybe it was the way his hand was dangerously kneading your flesh. In a moment of weakness, you broke and said what you tried to suffocate all this time.

"I'm yours."

A wicked smile grew across his face. This man, no, the devil had claimed your soul, and he had no intention of letting go.

Omg, I got carried away and made this a bit spicy! This is my first time writing something suggestive so I hope you guys enjoyed it! I need to chill out real quick.😳 - Fandom

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