Chapter 4: The Follow-Up

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For three days now she had been in a horrible mood. Three days ago Anna had an amazing date but they had forgotten to exchange phone numbers and for some reason, she could not find a joke shop run by twins in London either. They agreed to go on a second date but they never set a date for it. She was sure that she would never see him again.
Her week passed by slowly but eventually, it was Friday night and she was up in her flat, eating pizza while watching some TV. Phoebe was yelling 'Chandler and Monica!' repeatedly at the window as Rachel freaked out beside her. She occasionally cracked a smile or a chuckle at the series that played on the small screen.
The window was cracked open to let in some fresh air. Today had been an extremely hot day and the evening breeze was very pleasant to her. After finishing her pizza, she took out her sketchbook and sketched a new idea she had for a painting. The American show played in the background as she focused hard on her sketch that was already starting to look like what she had in mind. Her tongue was poked out between her lips as she fully got sucked into her drawing.
Anna was working on a new art series that focused on body positivity. She herself was a bit chubby. Sometimes she felt insecure about it because she did not look like the models she always saw in the magazines, but she realised that no matter what her body looked like, she was beautiful. Still, she felt that it was necessary to show off more different types of bodies.
The nude bodies she drew and painted were all different. There were large bodies, small bodies, bodies with big bums, with small bums, with big breasts, with small ones, with scars, moles, freckles. Every body she would paint was different. They differed in size, shape and skin colours. She did not give them heads, instead, where their necks ended she drew different flowers for each different body.
Flowers differed too. No matter if a flower was missing a petal, if there was a small cut in it, if it was big, if it was small, if it was red or if it was yellow, everyone thought flowers were beautiful, no matter how 'perfect' they were.

She hummed softly along to the theme song of the show that played before the new episode. She was so deep in her thoughts that she did not even notice how an owl flew into her room and dropped a letter on her pillow. It hooted and she looked up, immediately stuck by fear.
"What the hell!?" she cried out and jumped up from her bed. "Oh shit, what do I do?" she muttered to herself and tried to shoo it out the window. It seemed a little old and distraught, which made her feel bad for it. It sat on her table and looked at her with its big, droopy eyes. She stopped shooing it away and grabbed a bowl from her cupboard, filling it with water.
"You're tired, aren't you? Where did you come from? It's not every day we see owls in London," she spoke to it. It hooted again and flapped its wings once. As she put the bowl on the table next to it, the old looking owl instantly took a few sips. She wondered if she should call some sort of animal service for it, but after it took a few sips it seemed to recharge, though it still did not leave.
It was strange. Owls were not too common in the city and especially it flying into her room was very extraordinary. She shook her head and rubbed her eyes. It honestly felt a bit like a dream, but no, it had been real. There really was an owl in her room.
She watched it as it cleaned its feathers and she sat back on her bed, a crunching sound sounding from beneath her. As she reached under her, she grabbed onto a white envelope. Her name was written on it in beautiful letters. Had this owl dropped this off? No, she thought, there was no way that an owl had delivered her a letter. She looked at the owl and it looked at her before she opened it up.

'Dear Anna,

I'm sorry that I didn't write to you sooner. I had some trouble finding your address as we had forgotten to exchange that information at the end of our date last Tuesday.
I had a wonderful time with you and I was hoping that you would like to hang out again. I was thinking we could go to Primose Hill and watch the sunset together if you'd like that. Perhaps Sunday night? I could pick you up around 7:30?

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