Chapter 28: The Hospital

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CW/TW: hospital stuff. Nothing graphic, I promise! Also, I am not a doctor or medical professional so if I have made some mistakes, sorry!

But the stars were incapable of protecting them.

Only three weeks later, Anna was in Covent Garden, doing some afternoon shopping when another attack happened. A loud, giant explosion happened inside the building, causing another outbreak of chaos and disruption. She had barely had any time to panic about it because the glass ceiling of the building had already collapsed after the first explosion and she was laying underneath it, passed out and bleeding.
The second that George got the call from her uncle, he had rushed over to the Royal London Hospital where she got brought into. His heart was beating in his throat and tears were rolling down his cheeks. The thought of losing Anna was heartbreaking. He did not even want to think about it, but his brain was playing a mean game with him.
A nurse behind the front desk at the emergency room walked with him towards the room where Anna supposedly was. Her uncle was sitting outside the room in one of the blue chairs, holding his coat tightly in his hands. George immediately noticed how stressed he looked, anybody would. He was bouncing his leg up and down and muttering softly to himself while looking up at the ceiling.
"Mr Lewis," George said, his voice shaking. "Is she... What's going on? Where's Anna?" he asked worriedly. Liam stood up immediately and gave George a tight hug. It was only then that George noticed that Liam was crying.
"She's alive, she's alive," he assured George. He immediately felt a great bit of relief fall over him, though he was still anxious, stressed and sad about this all happening. Her uncle had only told him that she was at the scene of the explosion and that she had gotten severely hurt, but besides that, he did not know a thing.
"They are still working on removing the pieces of glass and stone. They should be done any minute now. The nurses told me that she was unconscious, but breathing. The glass ceiling along with pieces of stone had collapsed onto her, along with many others, but she was still breathing. They assured me that she's going to be okay. She'll be okay, George."
His head was spinning slightly. She would be okay, he just had to trust the nurses and doctors on that. Liam pulled him down into one of the three blue chairs.
"Anna is going to be just fine. I'm sure. Anna is a fighter. She's strong. Stronger than anyone I know," Liam said again. It was as much of a reminder for George as it was for himself. "I haven't seen her yet but- but it can't have looked too well." His voice broke again and George placed his hand on Liam's shoulder.
"They're taking care of her," he said gently. "They're good doctors. I'm sure they are. She'll be okay. They will stitch whatever needs stitching and before we know it she'll be awake, giving us one of her bright smiles." Liam nodded and gave George another hug. All they could do was find comfort in each other now because they still had to wait longer than they hoped for.

A little less than an hour later, several nurses and doctors came out of the room. George and Liam immediately stood up, looking at them with hopeful, just distressed faces. One doctor stayed behind to talk to them. 
"May I ask what your ties are to Ms Lewis?" he asked first. Both of them just wanted to know how Anna was doing so Liam answered, speaking fast.
"She's my niece. I'm practically her father. This is her boyfriend. What is going on?" he asked. He was preparing for the doctor to object to George being around but luckily, he did not.
"We had to remove several pieces of glass and stone from her body, but we have removed them all successfully. All the wounds have been stitched up already. She has a skull fracture and there was some internal bleeding, which we have managed to stop already so no need to worry about that. We suspect that she will wake up in a few hours but we cannot be sure," he explained to them. Both of them relaxed right away. Recovering from a skull fracture and from open wounds was easily possible. It was the trauma she would have more trouble with.
"I must, however, warn you. Ms Lewis has many wounds all over her body, but also on her face, neck and head. This may look shocking now but we're sure that the wounds will heal nicely. The left side of her head is a little swollen and her skin is covered in bruises. You may both go in now. As I said, we suspect she will wake up in a few hours, but it may be longer, so don't expect too much," he said. "I will be around in a bit to check up on her vitals."
George and Liam immediately rushed into the room. Anna was laying on the bed, tubes and threads attached to her pale, bruised body. There were several stitches on her arms, which lay above the blue hospital blanket, neck and face. There was a large one that ran from her left cheek down to her lips and ended just below her chin. Her skin was blue and red on several spots and her eyes were closed. 
It broke George's heart to see her in this state. She had gotten hurt because of magic, because of dark Wizards, and he could not help but feel guilty. A voice in his head told him that this was his fault. It was his fault that Anna was now hurting.
He wondered if the attacks were perhaps targeted towards muggles who knew about magic,  which would be why Anna had been hurt twice and why she had been so close to the attack before this one. The one who told her about magic and who brought her into this world was him, so if this was true then it really was his fault. He had endangered her, well, he thought he had. He could not continue to do that.
The beeping of a monitor next to her bed got drowned out as George burst out into tears and sobbed loudly into his hands. Liam wrapped an arm around him and tried to get him to calm down.
"George, lad, she's going to be okay. The wounds will heal, she will heal," he said. He gently rubbed George's back and held him close. Both of them were scared but they just had to trust the doctor's word.
"She'll be back on her feet in no time, I'm sure. She's strong. She's a fighter," he said firmly. "You have to be strong for her, okay? She's going to need you." No, George thought, she needs me far far away from her. He truly did not want to put her in danger again. But he stayed quiet about it to her uncle.

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