Chapter 33: The Grand Gesture

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Anna felt deadly nervous while she was waiting for Fred to show up outside her door. Fred was not the one making her nervous, it was the fact that he would take her to the twins' flat which heightened the possibility of seeing George.
Of course, Anna really wanted to see George but at the same time, it terrified her because he did not want to see her. What if he got angry that she showed up? What if it only made things worse? Then again, how could it become worse?
Angelina had told her that it was just a casual hang-out with a couple of their friends so she had just thrown on a plaid skirt and a knitted sweater. It was freezing outside, but that was normal for December. She tied her shoelaces before tapping her finger on her leg nervously.
Fred would show up in about ten minutes. He would wait outside the Leaky Cauldron for her to show up and then take her to her ex's flat. It was totally mental. There was no way she could go through with this, right? No, she could not. George probably did not even approve of this and perhaps she did not even want to see him.
She took a deep breath and then started pacing around. She chewed on her bottom lip and crossed her arms in front of her stomach. Of course she still loved him. It had only been a little over two weeks since they had broken up. Processing the accident and the break up at the same time was so hard to do. Every time she woke up she looked around for George only to realise he had left her.
Her body was slowly healing. Most parts were blue or yellow and most wounds now had a scab, though there was one particularly nasty scar on her hip that still was not healing properly and kept getting infected. The biggest and deepest wound on her face was also having trouble healing, mostly because every time she cried or spoke it bust open again as her skin moved.
Her mind, however, was having much more trouble healing. Even now that the people had been caught, she still feared that she would get hurt again. Dealing with the break up along with that was incredibly hard. Luckily her uncle and best friend were there every day to pull her through. She just could not stop wishing that George would have been there too.
When a red-haired man showed up down the street her heart started to beat even faster. She inhaled sharply through her nose and looked at herself once more in the mirror. The scars on her face, especially the long, big one, was sure giving her some insecurities. But it was not her fault that they were there, Alisa reminded her often. She then put on her coat, scarf, hat and gloves and left her flat after locking it.
The further she got down the stairs the more nervous she got. With every step closer to the Leaky Cauldron, to Fred, she started to doubt her decision more and more. Though she was excited to see Angelina and Hermione again and Fred had said that George would just go to the Burrow, she could not stop thinking about the possibility of seeing George.
What would she even say to him? Millions of thoughts ran through her mind but not one felt right to say to him.
The cold air hurt her face as she crossed the street. Fred was already happily waving at her as she neared him. He was also packed up in a big coat, scarf and a hat to fight the cold. His scarf, however, was not wrapped and she could see his cheeks and nose glow red from the cold. She smiled at him from under her scarf and waved back.

"Hi Fred," she said when she was close enough. "Good to see you." They hugged shortly and he nodded.
"Hi Anna, good to see you too," he said, smiling brightly. There was a sparkle in his eyes that she had seen in George a few times too, usually when he was either up to something or when he had another idea for a product.
"Is everything okay?" she asked suspiciously. He nodded quickly before hooking his arm through hers and then pushing the door of the Leaky Cauldron open.
"Of course," he said, though it seemed as if it was hard for him to suppress a smile. Anna squinted her eyes at him slightly and titled her head as they walked through the pub.
"Fred, if you're up to something I would like to know before-" he interrupted her.
"Angel is so excited for you to finally meet her closest friends, Alica and Katie," he cheered, changing the subject rather quickly. He opened up the gateway to Diagon Alley. Now Anna was not just worried about seeing George, but about what Fred had planned. She was sure that he had planned something but she just did not know what and she did not like surprises.
"Fred, you better tell me what is going on because I will turn around and go home," she warned him, though he did not seem fazed by her warning.
"We're going to my flat to hang out, that is all," he said casually. "Oh, speaking of it. I have to quickly pick something up for Angelina at the apothecary, you just go ahead. Angelina will let you in!" Before Anna could object he had already taken off.
Flabbergasted, she watched Fred hurry off. Whatever was waiting for her at the flat was already stressing her out. Of course she could turn around and go home but she had been taking risks for a while now, might as well keep doing it.
She walked over to the flat and pushed the door of the shop open. The blinds were closed and inside it was just as quiet and dark as she had suspected. It was weird that the door was open if no one was inside.
"Hello? Angelina, are you here? Fred said that you would-" she let out a frightened scream as the lights went on. No one was in the shop but in front of her on the table, there was a piece of paper with her name on it. She frowned a little and then picked it up.

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