Chapter 15: The Bench

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George had stayed with Anna for five days now. The day after the explosion he had gone to his own flat for an hour just to grab some fresh clothes and to discuss with Fred if it would be okay for him to miss a few days at the shop. Fred assured him that it was fine and that Ginny would step in to help.
Her anxiety levels had gone down over the days and she was doing fairly okay again. The day after the explosion she just wanted to lay in bed all day, so he had let her. He did not want to push her to do anything she was not ready for and knew that she had to process this at her own pace.
Her uncle and Alisa both had stopped by once to check up on her but overall she was doing okay. She was just very exhausted and every loud noise made her jump. She was just grateful that George had been with her these past few days to keep her company and make her feel safe. He had even picked up groceries and cooked for her every night, the muggle way.
Though, when he did groceries he had almost messed up at the checkout. He pulled out a galleon instead of the money she had given him, but in the end, he fixed it with a charming smile and the cashier did not ask anything about it.
Now it was Sunday afternoon and she was getting tired of staring at the same four walls of her flat. She wanted to go outside, though she knew that it could be a little overwhelming. She just wanted some fresh air and go somewhere.
"Do you want to go to Camden Town with me? We can go to Camden Market?" she asked George who looked up at her from the book he was reading. She leaned against the table and tilted her head slightly.
"Yes, of course," said he, closing the book and placing it next to him on the bed. "If you're sure you want to go out, then we can go wherever you want." He stood up from the bed and straightened his shirt.
"I want to," she assured him. "And I think it would be nice to go there. I think you'll like it too. It can count as another date." She walked over to him and pressed a soft kiss on his lips. He smiled against her lips and pulled her closer by her waist.
"Then it's a date," he said after their lips parted again. She bit her bottom lip, a wide grin on her face. Even after spending five days and four nights together, she did not want him to leave. Neither of them seemed to be getting enough of each other. Whatever it was what they had, it was one of a kind.

So they went out onto the street. George was keeping a close eye on her, making sure that she was doing okay. At first, she had felt a little overwhelmed. The streets were crowded with tourists. Mid-July until Mid-August was always the busiest time during summer, and since it was the first of August now, the streets were filled with tourists from all over the world. 
Though, she was used to big crowds. No matter the time of year, London was always busy. It was just overwhelming because there were so many sounds, movements and colours that her mind was trying to process, while still recovering from a few days ago. Her heartbeat increased slightly but she managed to control her breathing and keep it steady.
The pair took the tube to Camden Town and she led George from the underground to Camden Market. Soon, stands with bags, clothing, food, jewellery and more started to come into view. She held onto George's hand tightly and pulled him along.
She was happy to be outside again. The sun was shining brightly and there was not a single cloud in the sky above them. People seemed to be in great moods and everyone was being super friendly. The lively street soon became less overwhelming and lifted her spirits again.
"Are you doing okay?" asked George, looking down at her. She nodded and pressed a kiss on his cheek. She was feeling wonderful. She was outside in the sun with a man she liked so, so much and for a moment she was not worried about the museum.
"I'm doing okay," she confirmed and gave his hand a slight squeeze. They walked at a slow pace past all the stands, checking out what they offered. Anna stopped walking at a stable that sold jewellery. Every necklace-pendant, earring and bracelet was made from gemstones or crystals. She felt drawn to a golden necklace with a light pink crystal.
"Rose Quartz," the old lady behind the stable said. There was a kind smile on her lips and she had hopeful eyes. "It's the crystal of unconditional love. It helps you open up your heart and attract love. It heals negative emotions and overall helps with emotional healing. Whether it is self-love that you need or if your boyfriend has to step up, rose quartz can guide you." She was obviously teasing them, but she felt her cheeks turn red when she called George her boyfriend.
Alisa had been calling George her boyfriend since the third date and she always said "he's not my boyfriend", but now, she did not feel the urge to say that. She really liked the idea of George officially being her boyfriend.
"How much is it?" she asked, holding it in her hand. It was really pretty. The gold held the rose quartz as if it was hugging it and it was simple, yet sophisticated.
"It's only ten pounds, dear," she answered.
"I'll take it," she said and nodded. The woman thanked her and took the necklace from her to wrap in paper and put it in a small bag. Anna grabbed a ten-pound bill from her purse and handed it over. "Thank you. Have a lovely day," she told the lady after taking the necklace. They walked away again and George stopped her, stepping aside for a moment. 
"Let me put it around your neck," George said and held out his hand. She gave him the necklace and turned around. She held up her hair and put the necklace around her neck. "Beautiful," he said after she had turned around again. "And the necklace is nice too." He shot her a wink and a faint blush appeared on her cheeks once more.
"Thanks," she said with a chuckle and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Her heart was beating fast but she was not sure why she became nervous all of a sudden.
"I had a question," he said, now looking rather nervous himself. He scratched the back of his head and thought for a moment about the right words to say. "When that woman called me your boyfriend-" Oh God, she thought, finally. "-I kind of liked that sound of that? I mean, I really liked the sound of that. I really like you, Anna. So what I wanted to ask was if you will be my girlfriend? Officially."
Instead of answering "yes "right away, she pressed her lips onto his deeply, one hand entangled in his hair and one on his cheek. She had never been one to kiss people this passionately in public, but with George, she felt no shame or discomfort. With him, it always felt like it was just the two of them alone on this planet.
"I really like you too," she said after their kiss, still slightly blushing. "So, of course." She had a boyfriend again. Of course, neither of them had dated anyone else in the past two months and they basically already acted like a couple but now it was official.
"Wicked," he said and pressed a kiss on her cheek, entangling their fingers once more. There was a huge smile on his lips and his eyes had lit up, as had hers. The butterflies in her stomach were going crazy and she held onto his hand tightly. She had a boyfriend.

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