Chapter 29: The Recovery

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Anna awoke that same evening, her uncle sleeping by her side. Her head was hazy and she was unsure where she was but it did not last long before panic took over. She shook Liam's hand until he opened up his eyes and immediately sat up straight in his chair.
"Anna," he said, pressing a button next to her bed to alarm the nurses. "Hey, oi, calm down, okay? You're okay, you're fine. You're in the hospital but it's all going to be okay." He stroked her hair gently and tried to get her to breathe more calmly again.
"What- What happened?" she asked softly. Her voice was hoarse and soft. Her vision was blurred by tears as she saw the scars on her arms as well as all the tubes going into her. Her memory was hazy, all she remembered was going to Covent Garden and then- then it was a blur. Screams and loud noises came back but everything was still hazy to her.
Her uncle looked at her with sorry eyes. "There was another explosion, another attack," he started. Her heart started to beat faster and a few tears rolled down her cheeks. "You were hurt but you're doing okay. You're going to be okay."
"Another one? I was at Covent Garden and-" a loud sob escaped her lips. It was not that she was in physical pain at the moment, she was still drugged up so her body felt numb, but as the memories of the attack slowly came back to her, she could not help but fully burst into tears. Before her uncle could tell her anything else, two nurses rushed into the room.
"Ah, Ms Lewis is awake," one of them said, smiling kindly at Anna. "Would you please get doctor Atherton so he can do a check-up?" she asked the other nurse who immediately hurried off. "Hello, is it okay if I call you Anna?" Anna nodded. "Great. My name is Mary."
Anna nodded again, her bottom lip poked out and tears still rolling down her cheeks. The monitor next to her bed that was keeping track of her heart rate was speeding up. Panic fell over her and it was hard to calm down.
"Can I ask you a few questions?" Mary asked, getting closer to Anna. She nodded once more. "My uncle here tells me that you work at the museum with him. Which one is your favourite painting there?" she asked. Though Anna was confused by the question, she answered nevertheless.
"I think," she started, her voice trembling. "View from Louveciennes." Mary nodded and tapped one finger on her lips.
"Who is that by again? I can't seem to remember," she asked. Liam had a gentle smile on his lips, knowing exactly what Mary was doing.
"Camille Pissaro," Anna replied, slowly calming down again as her mind wandered off to the paintings in the museum instead of on the fact that she was in the hospital.
"Do you also paint yourself?" Mary asked, pouring some water into a glass that stood beside her bed. Tears were still falling but at a less rapid pace and her heart rate slowed down again too.
"Yes. My art got exhibited for three weeks. I had to remove it from the gallery a few weeks ago but I sold eight of them, which is very good," she told Mary.
"That's brilliant! I've never been that creative, honestly," she said with a chuckle and then handed the glass to Anna. "I can imagine you're throat is a bit dry so before we chat some more, drink some water." Anna obeyed and downed the entire glass of water quickly while Mary checked up on a bag filled with clear liquid that was hanging next to her.

"Where's George?" she asked Liam. All she wanted was for him to be there, for him to tell her that it was going to be okay. Even though she had seemed to calm down again, there were still a million thoughts racing through her mind and she wanted George by her side, knowing it would calm her down right away.
"I will call him again in a minute. He went home two hours ago to get some rest. He's been here since you have arrived, he was exhausted," he explained. "Your father is at a hotel nearby right now, checking in."
"Richard came?" she asked, a slight frown on her face.
"Yeah," he sighed. "Quite a lot happened but I will tell you after the doctor has checked up on you, okay? It will all come, just take it slow now, yeah?"
"Your uncle is right. You should take it slow now. Anna, do you remember what happened?" Mary asked her. Anna shook her head.
"I just remember being in Covent Garden and then- screaming but then everything goes blank," she sighed.
"Right," the nurse said. "I'm sure doctor Atherton will explain it all in a moment-"
"Yes, I will," an older looking man with round glasses said as he walked in. "Ms Lewis, good to see you're awake, though I must say, sleeping until eight in the evening is not the healthiest thing," he said before shooting her a wink. She granted him a weak smile. She just wanted to find out what was going on and for her boyfriend to show up.
He grabbed the clipboard that was attached to the end of her bed and then walked over to the equipment that was attached to her, mumbling some things to himself. Her patience was starting to run out. Another attack had happened and this time she had gotten seriously hurt, but how hurt had she exactly gotten? Her mind was a little hazy and she obviously noticed all the wounds and stitches on her arm but still, she would like an explanation.
"Alright, so Ms Lewis," he said, turning back to her.
"Anna is fine," she said quickly. Ms Lewis made her feel as if she was a fifty-year-old kindergarten teacher. Liam went to call George while the doctor informed her about what happened.
"Alright, Anna," he had a joyous smile on his lips, but Anna did not. "The glass ceiling of Covent Garden shattered onto you, along with many other people, but we're talking about you now. Several glass pieces cut into your skin, but we have already gotten every piece out and stitched up the wounds as you may have noticed." She nodded.
"There was some internal bleeding, which has already stopped so you do not need to worry about that. You also have a fractured skull which will heal in a matter of months, but any pain that you may experience will be gone in a week or a week and a half. No surgery was needed as the fracture was luckily not that severe,"
"You will need to take it easy though. No lifting heavy stuff, or handstands," he shot her another wink, but she still could not crack as much as a smile. "But we will go through all that when you get released. You will have to stay for a few more days but I think that you won't need to stay for that long," he said with a reassuring smile. She nodded a little and took a deep breath.
"I don't know if you know this but - have they caught them? The people who did this? Is it finally going to stop?" she asked carefully. He sighed and then shook his head with regret.
"Not yet. They suspect they will soon but until then - you mustn't worry, Anna. You will be just fine and dandy, I can assure you of that," he said. Anxiety fell over her once more. Twice had she been a victim of the attacks. Twice had she gotten hurt and they still had not been caught.
"Now if it's alright I need to perform a few more tests now that you are awake."

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