Chapter 30: The Break-Up

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As if processing another attack and another set of injuries was not bad enough yet, Anna was now left to deal with a broken heart as well. After George told her it was better this way he had gotten up and left the room without saying another word. Tears would not stop stinging the wounds on her face as they fell down her cheeks.
It was impossible to process that he had broken up with her. He said that he did not see a future with her anymore but part of her could not believe it. Days ago he had let out a happy sigh before telling her that he was so in love with her and now all of a sudden he did not see a future with her anymore.
But even though she had called out for him, he left and it did not seem like he was coming back.
"I know you told me to leave but the coffee there is even worse and- Where's George? Anna?" her father said as he walked back into the room. He was stunned to see her sobbing into her hands. She looked up at him, her bottom lip pouted out and soft sobs still escaping her lips.
"He left," she said. "He broke up with me." It hurt to say out loud. Telling someone else made it even more real. George had made her so happy, so confident and comfortable. He genuinely was perfect in her eyes. Sure, George had his own insecurities but whenever they were together she felt like they could take on the world.
Now he was gone and everything was crumbling even further.
"What? He did what now?" Richard scoffed. "Is he still- Oh, Anna," he sighed and held her as tightly as he could without hurting her. She rested her head on his chest and held onto his arm tightly. It was strange to have her father hold her while she was crying, but she could not focus on that now. George had broken up with her. Once again, all she was left with was a broken heart.

After another night of barely closing her eyes, Anna was staring hopelessly out of the hospital window. The view was not great. She had moved to a new room yesterday afternoon and though she had gotten a spot by the window, she was not a big fan of the grey parking lot view. It did not feel like luck was on her side right now.
Something that made her feel a little better was that the second visiting hours started her room was filled with not one woman, but with four. Alisa immediately hugged Anna as tightly as she could.
"I have been anxious to come over. I called your uncle yesterday but he said that you were exhausted and then you texted me and I wanted to come but you told me to stay home and- Oh I was so worried, babes," she rattled on. Anna hugged her back tightly and let out a shaky sigh. Just seeing her best friend already made her want to burst out in tears.
"Hi, I know," she said softly. "But you're here now so it's all good. Yesterday was just a bit hectic with them moving me around and well, you know." She shrugged her shoulders and pressed her lips together for a moment. This morning she had yet to cry, but she was not sure how much longer she could hold back her tears.
"Hi," Hermione said, hugging Anna next. "It's so good to see you. I'm glad that you're okay." Alisa sat down in the chair closest to Anna and watched the other girls with a hint of suspicion. Anna thanked Hermione for coming and for the book she had brought along with the message; "Thought you might need some extra reading material while you're still here."
"Angelina, hi," Anna smiled and hugged Angelina tightly. In the few months that they had known each other, they had gotten rather close and Anna got along really well with her.
"I am so happy that you're okay. Ever since George-" Anna froze for a split second. "-said that you were in the hospital I have been so worried. When I found out that you were going to be okay I was so relieved. I'm so glad to see you."
"I'm really glad to see you too, Angelina," she smiled and nodded. It was weird that even the mention of George had made her freeze for a second. When she woke up after having fallen asleep for an hour or two, she had hoped it had been a nightmare, but it was not.
"Hi," Ginny said, hugging her last. "You look - I would say good but I cannot lie - it'll heal right?" 
"Ginny!" Hermione exclaimed but Anna actually laughed.
"It will heal. It might leave some scars but-" she shrugged her shoulders.
"I'm sorry, Anna," Ginny said with a painful smile but she shrugged it off with a genuine chuckle. They all sat down and Alisa grabbed one of Anna's hands.

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