Chapter 11: The Shop

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Anna was deadly nervous today. The shock of a talking envelope would be nothing compared to what was waiting for her in Diagon Alley. Yes, today George was taking her to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, his and Fred's joke shop full of magic.
Last week after they had gone to the theatre and she had finally gotten the contract, he had urged her to finally come to visit his shop. Of course, she was excited to visit, but entering the wizarding world was not something you would do every day, at least, not as a muggle.
After her shift at the museum, which ended at noon, she hurried home to change into something a little more comfortable. It was extremely hot this July and she quickly exchanged the long trousers she wore at work for a flowy, red summer dress.
She ate some lunch while working on some sketches to distract herself from the fact that she was about to see magic again. Again. Life had been completely mad this last month. Two months ago she had run into a guy by accident, asked him out a few days later, found out he is a wizard and that magic is real, and now she was starting to like him a lot.
Two months ago she was not even considering getting back into the whole dating scene but within one day Alisa had managed to get her to ask someone out and now she was more grateful for that dumb bet than ever.
She hummed softly along to a tune that was playing on the radio, completely forgetting about the time until her doorbell rang. "Oh no," she whispered and looked at the clock. It was already four o'clock. She had gotten so lost in drawing that she had not even realised that it was already time to go.
She quickly walked up to the window and leaned out of it slightly. George was waiting down on the street, his hands in his pockets. "George! I'll be there in a sec!" she called out. He looked up at her and shot her a smile and a thumbs up.
She quickly grabbed her bag, brushed her teeth once more, sprayed on some perfume and fixed her hair in a matter of two minutes. She put her sketchbook back in her cupboard before hurrying down the stairs after locking the door to her flat.

"Hi," she said when she reached George. They shared a kiss before he took her hand in his.
"Hi. It's good to see you again," he smiled and gave her hand a slight squeeze. If there was anything that George loved doing it was holding her hand. His love language definitely existed out of touch. Every chance he got he would take her hand and entangle their fingers, or he would wrap his arm around her waist or shoulders, he loved playing with her hair and cuddles were a must. Lucky for him, she loved all of those things as well.
"It's good to see you too. I must confess that I'm a little nervous," she said, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks.
"That's understandable," he said and chuckled a little. "But I promise, it's going to be fine. The busiest moment of the day has just passed and the shop is not going to be very busy anymore. I can show you around the shop and then maybe Diagon Alley. Then I'm going to cook for you for a change." She smiled a little and nodded.
"Okay. I'm excited, just nervous about the whole- well you know," she spoke and tilted her head slightly. He pressed a kiss on her forehead and nodded.
"I know. But I'm with you, so it's all going to be fine," he assured her and then pulled her across the busy street. Everyone else seemed to pass the old, sketchy looking pub as if it was not even there but George opened the door for her like a true gentleman.
Inside it was a bit dark but a few small windows and a bunch of candles and lanterns provided some light. There was a long table as well as several smaller ones, all filled with wizards and witches. It was noticeable to her that they were all wearing hats and long cloaks. She saw one woman stir her coffee by using her finger to move the spoon and she held onto George's hand a little tighter.
"Ah, Mr Weasley! Haven't seen much of you lately. Just in and out, aren't you? Are you popping by for dinner tonight?" an older, bald man behind the bar asked him. She stayed close, feeling a little intimidated already.
"No, Tom. I'm sorry. Busy at the shop. You know how it is," George said with a smile. A large can flew through the air and then filled up someone's cup. She inhaled deeply. She did not know what she was expecting, but for them to use magic for literally everything was not it.
George got greeted by a few more people while they worked their way through the pub. He took her out the back entrance to a small alley that was a dead end. A few barrels were stacked and she looked at the brick wall in front of them. It must be the wall George had talked to her about.
"Are you okay so far?" he asked her and gave her hand a squeeze. She nodded and gave him a small smile. She was okay, but her nerves had only intensified. He let go of her hand and placed his hand on her lower back. "I'm right here with you. Nothing bad will happen, okay?" She nodded again and pressed a quick kiss on his cheek. He took out his wand and tapped it on one of the bricks.
As they started moving, she got a little startled and clutched onto George's blouse. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close. The wall opened up and a large street got revealed.
"Come on then, there's a whole world waiting for you."

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