Chapter 5: The Visitors

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Anna had just gotten a new task at work and she was eager to start. They were rearranging several rooms with paintings from the Late-Middle Ages and she had full authority over room 59, 60 and 64. They were going to exchange two paintings with a museum in Denmark and two with a museum in Lithuania so she was busy writing an email to them regarding the dates of transport and expected conditions.
It was rather exciting for her to have three rooms that she had full authority over as she never had before. Once during her internship, she had authority over one room but never more than that. It was a big responsibility but she able to do it and besides, she could always ask for help. She already had some ideas for room 59 and was excited to start on it.
"Yuni, do you think that you could have The Adoration of the Kings and The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastion ready for shipping by the sixteenth of July? That's in four weeks from now. Denmark's asking," she asked, peeking over her computer at Yuni who was sitting at the desk in front of her.
Yuni was the conservator at the museum and always made sure the artworks were in top condition and ready for shipping. She also checked artworks that were new and met up with art dealers to see whether what they wanted to sell to them was legitimate artwork. She did her job with as much as Nico did his. Anna loved to work with her.
She was a rather small woman but she had so much spirit and drive. Anna had never seen her in a bad mood. They got along quite well. On Anna's first day as an intern, Yuni had shown her around the office and the warehouse where they had some artworks stored away that were not currently on display.
"I will check my calendar in a moment, just want to finish something else first, can I get back to you on that?" she spoke rather quickly. Anna nodded and turned back to her screen. She would email the curator from the other museum as soon as she knew Yuni's answer.
Work was rarely boring, especially now that they were reorganizing part of the museum. With a cup of tea on her desk and the sun on her face, she felt happy. Genuinely happy. Everything in her life was finally going steady again and it was wonderful. Her job was great, she had a great flat, fantastic friends, she was seeing a great guy who had called her every night for four days straight.

They had not seen each other since Sunday night but Monday night was the first time he had called her, and since then they had spoken on the phone for hours every night. She was already looking forward to their phonecall tonight, but first, she had to work for five more hours.
Things were going really well with George. They could talk for hours about anything and everything. He made her feel really comfortable but at the same time, it was all so exciting. He was very funny and he had great stories.
He was way different from her ex. Noah was way more serious. He was all about work and achievements. Though she knew George was ambitious too, he had a shop after all, she already sensed that he was way more chill about achievements. He spoke very proudly of his family and friends and she liked that in a person. Her friends and uncle meant the absolute world to her so she valued that George felt that way too.
Noah was also a bad listener and never really liked to hear her talk about art, whether it was her own or someone else's. George on the other hand loved to hear her talk about it. She had stopped herself a few time mid-story, thinking he was bored, but he always asked her to continue as he thought it was rather interesting.
George was different. He was not pushy, uptight or judgmental. He was kind, funny, and he made her feel heard. He was a little bit strange, the guy sent an owl to her once, but she liked that he was a little odd. As Alisa always said; "Normal is boring."

Around three o'clock the phone on Anna's desk started ringing. She picked up and leaned it between her shoulder and ear so that she could continue typing. "Good afternoon," she answered.
"Hello, Anna? It's Trisha from the front desk?" a female voice sounded through the speaker of the phone.
"Yes, hi Trisha," she said, knowing who it was. Trisha was one of the front desk workers. She was only eighteen and only worked on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Anna had chatted with her once, she worked at the museum next to her studies in Administration.
"There are two gentlemen asking specifically if they can have a tour from you? I tried telling them that's not how it works but they really want you. Do you happen to have a moment to spare?" she questioned.
A confused frown appeared on her face. She was unsure why anyone would or who would ask for her specifically. "Give me one moment to discuss it, please," she said and looked over at Nico who sat across the room. She placed her hand on the microphone part of the phone. "Is it okay if give a tour right now? I mean, I have my draft ready, I just have to wait for two emails now."
"Yes, love, it's fine with me. Just consult with Mr Lewis first, yeah?" he said and nudged his head in the direction of her uncle's office.
"I'm going to call you back in a moment, alright?" When Trisha said it was okay she hung up the phone and closed all her files before walking over to her uncle's office.
"Uncle Liam? It's me, Anna. May I come in?" At first, she had called him 'Mr Lewis' as well, however, he did not like that one bit and urged her to just call him uncle Liam no matter the fact that they were at work. He gave her permission to enter his office so she opened up the door. "I've been requested to give a tour. I have no clue who it could be but I have some time, and Nico said it was okay. Would you mind?"
"Of course not. As long as it doesn't mess up your schedule," he warned her and she nodded, assuring him that it didn't.
"I'll keep it short," she said before walking out again. She made her way from the office to the entrance hall of the museum, greeting the visitors, guides and security guards that she came across. Trisha greeted her and walked with her to the visitors that had requested her. The second she saw two men with red hair, she knew who they were.

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