Set lovers

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Madnessa One shot.

Vanessa is in love with Madelaine but don't know how to tell her yk.
Vanessa's POV:
I just finished a Choni scene. Kissing those plump lips of her are like a dream.

I wish there were mine in real life.

Vanessa stop! You just broke up with Michael and you already falling for you best friend?

But how can't I? She's hot, kind, carrying everything the perfect woman needs.

I walked in to my trailer. I sighed. Why is it so hard to be in love with my best friend.

While i was taking my makeup off I already thought about her AGAIN. Then she walks in.

"Hi Nessie how are you?"' "Im good ba- Mads"
She smiled at me. "Good"

Most of the time mads and I just spend time together without even talking. Its just being with each other feels nice.

I think i will never tell her about how i really feel. I mean I don't wanna ruin the best friendship i ever had in years.

She was laying on my couch in a Riverdale sweater with some black leggings. But everything looks good on her.

When she noticed i was staring she smiled. "The scene went really well don't you think?" "Yea" "would you like to order something?"

"Some salad and veggie burgers?" "Sound good lets order!" She said with a smile.

God i love that damn smile of her.

"Everything okay Ness?" "Oh yea just some deep thoughts Yk" she nodded.

Why do I always fall in love with people that don't like me back or threat me bad. Whats wrong with me?

After we ate dinner I decided to ask how her love life goes.

"So already in love" "well i like someone but she probably doesn't like me back" "same"

She looked me deep in the eyes. Just kiss her you can do it my thoughts said. Yk what fuck it.

I grabbed her face and kissed her for an long time. She directly kissed back. I pulled back.

"I love you, im in love with you ness"

"Same im in love with you to"

She kissed me again and i laid my hands on her cheeks. We didn't notice cami and lili walked in.

"OMG I KNEW IT" cami screamed. I quickly pulled away. "Uhm yes me and mads wait I didn't ask you to be my girl yet" "Madelaine Petsch would you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes i would love that babe" "BABE" Lili screamed.

"Okay now can i have a moment with my girl?" They both sat down. "Alone?" They walked out.

"So now we are finally alone." "I waited so long for this" she confessed. "Same babygirl" "wanna watch some Netflix while cuddling?"

I nodded. "What do you wanna watch?" "Harry potter" "not again mads" "please babe" "ugh fine as long as im with you it doesn't matter."

"You're the cutest" she smiled she laid down in my arms. I kissed the top of her head.

This is my forever......

Choni/Madnessa one shots Where stories live. Discover now