Nerd and badass

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Badass Cheryl
Nerd toni
Toni's POV:
I walked into Riverdale high. My new school. I felt anxious as hell but I need to do this.

I pushed my glasses on the bridge of my nose. I wore my comfy hoodie with some leggings and some simple sneakers. I had my hair in 2 buns with the rest of my hair laying on my shoulder.

With my books in my hands i tried to find my classroom. Then i bumped into someone. My books fell on the ground. I looked up to see who it was.

The girl wore a red crop top with a leather jacket red shorts and high black boots who were over her knees.

She looked hot asf. "Excuse you?!" "i-im sorry i was trying to find my classroom" "oh your new here?" She asked me with i kind but suspicious voice.

"Y-yea" "you look innocent i like that" "uh okay" "im Cheryl by the Way the HBIC" "the what?" "Head bitch in charge dear" "o-okay"

She grabbed my notebook. "Hey!" I said. "Calm down baby girl" i felt goosebumps all over my body.

"Here thats my number calm me if you need anything" she said with a wink. Then she walked away

I nodded slowly. This girl is doing something to me. I sighed and walked down the hallway.

I finally found my class. "Ah miss topaz youre here, i was just telling the couples for the next project. I paired you up with Cheryl"

I nodded slowly before walking to the place next to Cheryl. "Hello princess"

I blushed at the nickname. "Someone's blushing i see" i giggled. "So babygirl what do you think, come over to my house after school"

I nodded "okay"

My last class was over. I walked to my locker to drop my books in it. When I opened it a red paper fell out. "Princess, this is my address ill wait for you my Cherry"

I blushed. I closed my locker and walked to my motorcycle. I drove to Cheryl her place.

I knocked on the door. "Hello babygirl come in make yourself home"

Her house was huge. She walked over to the kitchen. "Anything you like to drink or eat?"

You toni stop with having those thoughts i yelled to myself. "Some water is fine" "please try a cherry cola" "okay i will try it" "good"

We walked upstairs. "So the project" she said.

I was lost in my own thoughts. I looked at her plump lips and how bad I wanted to kiss them.

She looked at me and smirked. I snapped out of my thoughts. "Yea the project uhm maybe we can" she cut me off by smashing her lips onto mine.

What's happening that was the only thought the flashed trough my head before kissing back.

The kiss was soft and passionately. It was like this was ment to be. I loved every second of this kiss.

This was the moment i knew this were the lips i wanted to kiss for the rest of my live...

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