Dont leave me

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Toni's POV:
I ran into the hospital my thoughts flowing trough my head how could i let this happen was the only thought i could really imagine. A flashback flowed trough my head.

I was walking with Cheryl on the Southside when i saw some Ghoulish at the white worm. "Stay here" i said to Cheryl. If i was smart enough i knew she wouldn't listen. I was looking at the people who where making a mess when i heard a short scream behind me.

Next thing i know was that Cheryl was laying on the ground unconscious blood dripping down her stomach. Fangs stormed out of the white worm. "Toni what hell happened" i couldn't form the right words for this. She couldn't leave me. I needed her i need to marry her and have a family together. Tears where streaming down my cheeks only at the thought of losing her. Fangs rubbed my back. Waiting for the ambulance to come.

After 5 minutes the ambulance was here. They picked up Cheryl and brought her to the closest hospital.


I walked over to the reception. "Where is Cheryl blossom?" I asked the woman behind the desk. "Are you family?" "No yes uhm im her girlfriend" "normally I couldn't tell you" i looked at her with grinned teeth. "But her parents didn't pick up the phone so you can go to room 103"

I gave her a thankful smile before walking to the room she told me. I ran to the first doctor i saw in the hallway" "any information about Cheryl blossom" "she's in surgery but we don't know if shes gonna make it" I felt like i was gonna pass out like someone took the floor under my feet. "You should sit down miss you look very uhm pale"

I sat down when i felt someone wrapping my arms around me. I looked up who it was. It was betty. Veronica kevin archie and fangs standing next to her.

"H-how did you guys know i was here?" I said with a cracked voice. "We could see Cheryl after Veronica practically pulled the reception over her desk." I chuckled trough the tears.

"Hows she?" Archie asked. Tears began to flow like a river again. Veronica hit him not to hard with a bag. "They don't know if shes gonna make it" i said feeling empty.

"Its all my fault" I whispered. "Don't say that tones you didn't know the goulis were attacking the white worm. "I had one fucking job fangs protecting the person i love the most and i failed it" i practically screamed.

The doctor walked up to us. "She isn't awake yet but you can see her" he said pointing at me. I nodded before walking to the room.

I was trying to form words in my head. I looked at her lifeless body. "She isn't dead yet" i said to myself.

I sat on the chair next to her bed and grabbed her hand.

"Baby its me Toni. I don't know if you hear me but i just. Im so mad at myself i failed the job of protecting you. I can't loose you Cheryl I can't fucking loose you i need you here by my side i wanna  propose for you 1 day. Its to soon to go Cher stay with me please. I will do everything to get you back. But the thought of losing you I can't take it wake up baby your hibernation is over. I chuckled at the joke. I wanna make this kinda off jokes together with you i wanna stay with you forever and always." I said before laying my head on her and crying my eyes out.

A/n: hehe cliffhanger part 2 comes soon i hope Tomorrow but i have art until 4:30 pm ugh😒 but anyways hope you liked it🍂✨

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