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Toni's POV:
I was walking on the beach with a warm summer sun on my face. My hair in the warm wind. My dog was playing with some other dogs he is the cutest bean i have ever seen.

The dog^

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The dog^

I was just looking around when my eyes land on a beautiful red haired girl she was also walking with her dog.

Was she crying? I decided to just go ask her whats wrong. "Hey are u okay?" She quickly wiped her tears away.

"Yea why wouldn't I" she said with a big fake smile.
"Just know you can always talk to me!" She nodded her head with a thankful smile and watery eyes.

I wanted to walk away but she stopped me.

"My mom kicked me out..." "oh im so sorry for you. Do you wanna talk about it?" "I came out to her but she didn't appreciate it at all which i should have known. She was never a big fan of me but now she's disappointed and disgusted by me and I understand why" she said.

"Hey don't say that you're beautiful and that you're mom doesn't see that is her problem not yours okay? Don't take yourself down because your mom can't handle that your so beautiful!"

"Thank you it really means a lot to me! No one ever said that except for JJ but he isn't around anymore"

"I don't know who he is but he must be important to you" "its my brother he was murdered by my hideous father" "im so sorry for your lost did your father get what he deserves?" "Yea hes in jail for 30 years so he have 26 years left in jail he can rot away there"

I nodded my head. "I have no idea how it feels but it must be a nightmare" "it is i can tell you. Thank you for checking up on me though" "hey you told me your mom kicked you out? You can stay at my place if you want but no pressure" "uhm I don't wanna be a burden to you and your family"

"My parents wouldn't mind at all they love to meet new people besides if i tell them i let a 'homeless' girl alone on the beach they would be hella mad."

"Okay then if you don't kidnap me" "trust me I wouldn't dare" i said before we continued walking.

"As what did you come out. Sorry if that sounded stupid" "it didn't sound stupid at all Toni im glad you asked.. i came out as a lesbian" "thats cool im bi with a preference for Girls and a demi girl." I told her.

"Are you already out to your parents or are you in the closet" "i came out when i was 13. That was the age i had my first girl crush. They were very supportive and told me they loved me no matter what" "i wish i could get a reaction like that but im happy for you though" i smiled.

"I wish you get that reaction tho just know its not your fault and being gay is pretty cool!" She smiled with a little bit of confusion. "You think so" "yes being straight is boring asf."

She giggled. That giggle was so cute. Everything was cute about her. Her perfect hair that flowed in the wind. Her cute smile and the way she dress ugh.

But not only the way she dress is perfect. Her personality is it for me. She's cute caring nice. Everything I search for in a girl.

I always say im bi but I wouldn't date a guy in general. Except from a guy who's this beautiful oh wait he doesn't exist ahaha.

After an hour we went to my house. "Your car is really cool Toni" "thank you your dog is the cutest" i smiled. "Thank you" she said.

We both walked into the house. "Hi mom hi dad" "hi sweetie how was your walk and who's this young lady?" He said pointing at Cheryl

"This is Cheryl dad. I found her on the beach and she told me that her mom kicked her out." "Oh no. You can stay with us Cheryl we don't you to be homeless. Are u okay with sleeping at Toni her room?" "Ofc i am im really thankful i can stay here"

Then my brothers walked in. "Hi pea hi fangs" i said. "Tiny has a girlfriend tiny has a girlfriend" they both sang.

I blushed. "Guys she isn't my girlfriend okay" i said. I wish she was tho. Cheryl had a backpack with some clothes in it. "You can go upstairs my room is on your left hand." I said with a smile. She nodded before walking upstairs.

"My daughter here has a little crush doesn't she?" My mom smiled. I nodded slowly. "WE KNEW IT" Fangs and pea said to each other before giving each other a high-five. "Okay shh" i said. I didn't want her to hear it.

I sighed before walking upstairs. Cheryl was unpacking her bag. "Need help?" I said.

She smiled at me and nodded.

After we unpacked everything and had dinner she wanted to shower so i was waiting for her to watch a movie together.

She came out of the badroom in an oversized shirt with shorts.

I wanted to start to movie but she stopped me. "I heard what your parents asked you when i was upstairs" she said. "Is it true that you like me?"

I started fidgeting with my hands. "Y-yes I understand if you-." I was cut off by her smashing her lips onto mine.

The kiss was soft en passionately. "I like you to" she said. "YES" we heard from behind. Fangs and sweet pea were standing there with big smiles.

Cheryl chuckled. "Toni Topaz will you be my girlfriend?"

"Ofc i want that Cher" i said. She immediately grabbed my face to kiss me.

"Thats our little sister..." sweet pea and fangs said.

A/n: can you guys please leave ideas here?

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