Room mates

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Cheryl's POV:
Finally The day. I can move away from the women who calls herself my mother. the day i waited for ever since I was around the age of 6. I am going to college.

Im really curious who my roommate gonna be.
I hope not a guy. Men are gross.

I walked into the campus. "Hello miss are you new here?" the receptionist asked me. "Yes i am new here. My name is Cheryl Blossom." I said with a slight smile on my face. "Welcome to Harvard university, you share you room with toni topaz" the women behind the counter told me with a bright smile on her face.

Seriously did they just set me in a room with a men? Ugh. Was my first thought.

"Your room number is 203 it is on the second floor to the right"

"Okay thank you" i said with a fake smile.

I sighed before walking upstairs. Struggling to take my suitcase upstairs. Suddenly I felt the weight of the suitcase being lifted away.

I turned around being faced by a young red haired boy. "Need some help?" He asked with a kind smile. I smiled it him. "Thank you" I said. "No problem I am Archie Andrews by the way"
"Cheryl Blossom"

He helped me with getting my suitcase to the door of my dorm room. I thanked him ones again before he continued his way to his own dorm.

I knocked on the door incase this Toni boy was doing something I don't wanna see.

When the door opened i saw an girl with black hair with pink highlights she wore a black crop with her belly button piercing. Her black leather jacket. And big black boots. Her hair had 2 buns in her hair with the rest of her hair laying on her back & shoulders.

She was so beautiful.

"Hi you are my new roommate I guess" "yes  i am I'm Cheryl blossom. your toni I assume" she nodded before letting me in.

"Are u okay with taking that bed?" I nodded before walking to my new bed. Everything looked so different from my home. A lot cozier though.

Then i saw the bi flag above her bed.

"Before you gonna say something yes and im bisexual and proud"

"Oh uh don't worry i am" I quickly stopped my sentence. "you know you can trust me"
"Im a lesbian but I'm not really out yet" " that's amazing!" She said with a generous smile on her face. I smiled at her.

"Did your parents accept it?" I asked her  "Yes they were very supportive .did you ever tried to talk about it to your parents?" "Yea not a good idea" "why not.  If I can ask?"

"They send me to conversion therapy" "oh I'm so sorry that happens to you that is terrible. You never deserved any of that"

"Its okay but can i hang my rainbow flag here? I secretly ordered it and now I don't live home anymore" "Ofc go ahead I won't stop you!"

She was so nice.

Toni's POV:
My gayness was screaming inside me. I share my room with the hottest girl i ever saw and shes even gay. This is a dream.

She was sitting on her bed. Her hair washed and in a bun with sweatpants and a sport bra.

She was watching a movie on Netflix i believe.

She had the cutest teddy bear with her. "You have any siblings?" I asked her. "Yea my brother he's also at college but an other school" "that sucks" I said with a sad smile. "yea but im gonna visit him at Christmas"

I nodded with a smile.  before turning back to my iPad. It was around an hour later when i heard light snores coming from the bed next to me. I looked to the bed seeing her sleeping. She looked so cute.

I grabbed a blanket and layed it down on her.

It was 23:40 when i decide i needed to sleep. Tomorrow i have a long ass day and I don't wanna sleep while i have classes. Im already failing math and science.

It was in the middle of the night when i heard something I looked around in my room when i saw Cheryl moving around a lot in  her bed. She had a Nightmare i think.

I walked over to her bed slowly not wanting her to be scared of me. And put on the light next to her bed. I softly nudged her arm. "Cheryl wake up" I said with a soft voice. After a few seconds of trying she finally opened her eyes with a tears stained in her eyes. "You had a nightmare?" I asked her before giving her a glass of water that was standing on her night stand.

She nodded. After a few minutes she lay back down again so I decided to get back to my own bed. When suddenly I felt a hand on my back. "C-could you please stay with me in case my nightmare comes back again?" I nodded my head.

She shifted a little so their was place enough for me to lay down next to her. "Good night Cher" I said before clicking off the light. I drifted off to sleep hopefully to dream about Cheryl.

First one shot in 2 years omg it has been a while. I hope you guys like it

Should I do a part two?

Don't forget to vote and comment

Love y'all

Nora 🩷

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