End of Day Three: part 2

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"Wow! This is so amazing!" Shoyo smiles. "I can't believe you two are soulmates!"

"I was a little surprised when I found out yesterday," Tobio said.

"What?!" Shoyo grabs Tobio's shirt. "You already knew and didn't tell me?!"

"Shut up moron," Tobio grabs his boyfriend's neck with his whole arm, blushing. "Tsukishima helped me when I was trying to figure out if we were soulmates."

"Oh..." Shoyo blushes redder. "Okay... I'll forgive you."

"Sorry," Yamaguchi blushes. "We don't use labels like boyfriend, so I guess it's a little confusing."

"You never kiss or hug or do anything," Noya sits up. "I had no idea."

"Me either," Tanaka stares at the pair as he sits down on his bed.

"Tadashi knows that I don't like PDA," Tsukishima sighs. "I don't feel the need to tell everyone my entire life story."

"Wait...how many couples do we have on our team?" Shoyo asks.

".....four, including you two," Tanaka says. "Suga and Daichi were our first pair, then Narita and Kinoshita."

"Oh wow...so cool!" Shoyo laughs.

"What about Asahi or Ennoshita?" Tobio asks, turning around to face others. "Have they tried to find out?"

"Ennoshita swears he's still not interested in finding out," Tanaka laughs. "But I'm not sure about Asahi. He's never really talked about it. Has he said anything to you, Noya?"

"No...we haven't really talked much," Noya's smile falls. "I'm not sure if he wants to confine in me anymore."

"But you guys made up!" Tanaka says.

"Yeah, we did...we just haven't had time to really talk about it," Noya folds his arms under his head. "I still want to apologize properly."

"I'm sure he will!" Shoyo smiles. "He's always super quiet around us, but he smiles around you the most Noya senpai! So I'm sure things will be fine."

"Thanks Shoyo!" Noya laughs. "I hope you're right. I missed him a lot, but I wasn't sure what to say to him after I got so angry."

"Why not try now?" Yamaguchi says. "We still have 3 more days stuck together, this might give you the chance to talk to him."

"Tadashi!" Noya kneels forward. "You're a genius! I could kiss you!" He jumps up and throws on a sweatshirt.

"......." Yamaguchi blushes.

"Might wanna save that for Asahi," Tsukishima whispers, silently wrapping his arm around Yamaguchi's waist, causing his soulmate to giggle.

"What did you say?" Noya rushes around the room looking for his sandals.

"Oh nothing...just good luck finding Asahi," Tsukishima says, holding back his laughter.

"Thanks! See ya later!" Noya yells as he disappears down the hall.

Shoyo pulls Tobio closer. "Do you think Noya senpai is Asahi's soulmate?" He whispers.

"Hmm," Tobio thinks about the possibility. "Five sets of soulmates would be pretty amazing."

Tanaka lays down on his bed. "I wonder who Kyoko-san's soulmate is," he sighs. "I hope it's no one from another school."

Poor Tanaka senpai, the 1st years sigh together.

Noya runs back to the bathrooms, almost colliding with Daichi and Suga as he opens the door.

"Oh perfect!" Noya smiles. "Have you seen Asahi?"

"He finished his bath a few minutes ago and left," Daichi says. "Is he not in our room?"

"Not yet..." Noya steps out of the way as they close the door. "I just came from the room."

"Oh...I think he said he was going to grab a drink from the vending machine," Suga chimes in, smiling.

"Thanks," Noya smiles.

"Good luck..." Suga sings as he pushes Daichi the other way through the hall as the Captain rolls his eyes at his boyfriend.

Noya turns to the left and heads down stairs to the vending machines. He stops a few feet away when he sees Asahi deciding on a drink, his hair was loose around his shoulders and his face concentrating on what to buy.

"You should get green tea," Noya says, walking closer, holding back his laughter as the taller boy in front of him jumps in the air.

"Thank goodness it's you," Asahi sighs, holding his shirt over his heart.

"You're such a scaredy cat," Noya giggles.

"It's not my fault, you're too quiet," Asahi says looking down at his friend.

Noya laughs louder as he sits down on the bench next to the machine.

"So...what brings you out here?" Asahi asks, choosing the green tea button.

"I was looking for you," Noya smiles, as the taller boy sits down next to him. "I wanted to talk...if that's alright with you."

"Why wouldn't it be alright?" Asahi holds the bottle in both hands.

"I don't know..." Noya starts to say looking up at the sky. "I'm just not sure if you wanted to...I mean I know we kinda already made up, but I still want to apologize."

"Why would you need to apologize?" Asahi stares down at Noya. "It was my fault. I still need to apologize properly, not you."

Noya looks over at long haired brunette and smiles. "Asahi...I missed you a lot and I'm sorry for getting so angry."

"You..." Asahi laughs, maybe we're both being ridiculous about this. "Thank you. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you, didn't understand what you were trying to say."

"Hopefully you'll listen next time," Noya laughs.

"Yes, I'll try," he smiles. "It was very quiet when I was by myself. I missed your laugh, the most."

Noya feels the warmth spread across his face. He never imagined anyone missing how loud his voice was.

"Grandpa always tells me I'm too loud and my soulmate is gonna go deaf when we meet," he laughs.

"That won't happen," Asahi smiles, looking up at the sky. "I'm sure they'll be happy to hear your laughter. I know I would...ah...I mean..." Asahi nervously plays with the lid on his bottle.

"Um...thank you Asahi," Noya blushes. "Man! I'm jealous of your soulmate. I hope they know how lucky they are."

"I've...never met them," Asahi says, looking down at the ground. "I'm too scared to get that close to someone."

"Why?" Noya turns to face his shy friend. "I know I would be really happy to have you...I mean...you know..." What the hell am I saying? Noya blushes.

"Yeah...I understand what you mean," Asahi smiles, trying to remain calm. It almost sounded like he...

But he doesn't, right?

"Man...it really is embarrassing to talk about this stuff," Noya laughs, covering his mouth and nose. "I'm glad I asked though."


"I'm not sure..." Noya pulls his hands away from his face. "I just felt uneasy when Tanaka asked me about your soulmate."

"......Noya-" Asahi leans closer.

"What are you guys doing out here?"


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