Day Three

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Lev woke up early on the morning of day 3. He had about 10 minutes to appreciate Yaku's sleeping face before he woke up.

Last night he had witnessed two of his new friends discovering that they were soulmates. It made him hopeful that he might be able to convince Yaku that they were meant to be together.

The first time he met Morsuke Yaku, his soul mark heated up. The third years were introducing themselves and when it came to Yaku's turn, Lev could feel a pull towards the tiny boy.

Ever since then, he had been trying to convince Yaku to show him his soul mark or let him kiss the smaller boy.

Yaku refused every time, adimit that Lev was mistaken.

After countless attempts, Lev was on the brink of giving up, until he met Hinata and Kageyama, witnessing first hand the power of soulmates.

During breakfast Lev sat down next to Hinata, ready to execute his plan.

"Hinata," Lev whispers, leaning closer to the tiny ginger. "I need your help."

"Mihh mht? (With what?)" Shoyo's cheeks are still full of rice when he looks up at Lev. 

"I need to know if Yaku-san is my soulmate," Lev says, blushing.

Shoyo swallows his food, nodding in response. "Of course Lev...I'd love to help!"

"Thanks Hinata," Lev smiles. "I was hoping that you could....." Lev whispers his his ear, as Shoyo continues to nod in agreement with his plan.

During Practice

Shoyo pulled Suga aside before practice started, to tell him about Lev's plan, which also include his help. Suga laughed as he agreed to this crazy plan, hopeful that Daichi would get too upset at them for helping.

"Don't worry Hinata," Suga laughs. "I'll take the blame if Daichi finds out."

"Finds out about what?"

"Ahhhh!!" Suga and Shoyo yell, quickly turning around.

Luckily it was only Tobio holding up his water bottle.

"D-don't scare me like that Bakayama!" Shoyo stutters, grabbing his heart.

"Don't be so easy to scare," Tobio grins at Shoyo, then looks at Suga. "So what are you two planning?"

"Lev asked us to help him," Suga smiles. "He was so happy for you and Hinata last night, that he really wants to find his soulmate."

"I thought it was Yaku-san?" Tobio blankly says.

"Lev thinks so..." Shoyo laughs. "But I guess Yaku-san keeps saying he's not."

"Either way...I'll talk to Yaku first and see if I can find out anything," Suga winks at the two first years. "You two keep a look out for Daichi."

"You got it Suga-san!" Shoyo laughs, saluting him, as Tobio smacks him on the back of his head.

"Not so loud moron," Tobio laughs.

"That hurt Grumpyama," Shoyo pouts, sticking his tongue out.

"...sorry," Tobio smiles, fluffing up his partners hair. He looks around the back of the gym where they are standing, to make sure Daichi isn't around. When the coast is cleared, he looks back as Suga reaches Yaku who is taking a break under a tree.

"Hey Yaku," Suga smiles stopping in front of the smaller boy who is sitting on the ground. "Got a minute?"

"Sure...?" Yaku looks up at the silver haired setter, suspicious. "What did you wanna talk about?"

"One of the guys on my team likes you," Suga smiles, as he lies through his teeth.

"Oh..." Yaku is taken back, surprised by this information. "Can I ask who it is?"

"His name is Chikara Ennoshita," Suga smiles, forgive me Chikara. "He's pretty quiet and very handsome. He is a 2nd year, a wing spiker, super smart and he'll be the Captain next year when Daichi and I leave."

"...okay...I think I met him yesterday," Yaku tries to remember such a person. "Does he look like Daichi?"

"Yes! That's Chikara," Suga laughs. "Good memory."

"He was very polite and wanted to talk about receiving...I'm not used to that," Yaku laughs. "So...why didn't he come over to talk to me?"

"He's pretty shy when it comes to things like this. He doesn't even know I'm talking to you," Suga says playing with his shirt hem. "I was just wondering if you had found your soulmate yet?"

"Well...not yet..." Yaku laughs, holding his neck. "But...I think I have an idea about who it is."

"Oh really?" Suga's smile widens.

"Yeah...but I don't think it's your next Captain," Yaku's smile fades. "He is very handsome, you are right about that...but for some reason my soul mark has been heating up around this giant idiot lately, so I'm pretty sure I've figured it out. I'm just not gonna let him have the satisfaction of being right," Yaku laughs.

"Ohhhh," Suga smiles. "Well, I'm glad you think you've found him, but I'm surprised you dont wanna find out for sure. Can't you just look at his soul mark, to make sure?"

" mark is kinda in a werid location," Yaku laughs. He stands up and gestures Suga to get closer, whispering in his ear.

"Are you kidding me?" Suga steps back, his face bright red.

"Nope," Yaku laughs. "And that idiot keeps asking me to show it to him or to let him kiss me...he's so loud about it, that everyone on our team knows about it. Luckily he hasn't tried to show me his...yet."

"That is so...." Suga laughs. "...just like him! That's if I've figured out who it is."

"I'm pretty sure you have," Yaku raises a brow to Suga. "Just...don't tell anyone where my mark is. It's super embarrassing."

"Don't worry," Suga smiles, giggling. "I'm blushing just thinking about it, there is no way I can say it out loud."

"Thanks Sugawara," Yaku smiles.

"Daichi found my mark during our first practice together, in our first year," Suga laughs as they start walking back to the rest of the players.

"Really? Where is your mark, if you don't mind me asking?" Yaku smiles up at Suga.

"I have a tiny Crow, on my inner thigh," Suga blushes. "We were doing our stretches and I was on my back...he was leaning on me, pressing my leg back and then I felt a burning coming from my thigh. His hand was on my mark, his eyes were darting back and forth between the mark and my face, which was bright red at that point..." Suga laughs, remembering how cute and nervous Daichi looked back then.

"Oh my gosh," Yaku laughs. "What happened next?"

"He kissed me...right the middle of practice," Suga laughs. "We got in a lot of trouble afterwards, but it was worth it. He explained later on that the moment he saw my mark, he couldn't think of anything besides kissing me."

"Sounds amazing..." Yaku smiles.

"It was..."

Suga freezes as he recognizes the voice behind him. Crap...

"Daichi!" He laughs nervously, turning around to see his boyfriend.

"Suga...can I talk to you?" Daichi asks in a firm tone, trying to smile.

"Yes..." Suga's smile starts to fade. "Bye Yaku."

"Good luck Sugawara..." Yaku laughs, walking back to his team.

" to explain why our first year freak duo was standing guard so you could pimp out our Wing Spiker to another team?" Daichi raises his brow.

"W-whhh....that is not what happened!" Suga stutters, crossing his arms. "...well...not entirely..."

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