Day Two...

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Shoyo had failed the night before to catch a glimpse of Tobio's soul mark, but he was hopeful that he'd be more successful tonight. He was also hopeful that he wouldn't embarrass himself again, like he had this morning.

That was so embarrassing! Not only did I roll into Tobio's futon, but I talked in my sleep, Shoyo sighed. Suga-san and Noya senpai didn't make it any better.

"Shoyo...hurry up! Let's practice a little before the game starts," Kageyama's voice brought him back to the present.

They were finishing up their last break of the day and only had one more game left against Nekoma.

"Sorry Tobio," Shoyo smiles running up to his partner.

"Are you alright?" Tobio asks once he's standing in front of the raven haired boy. "You've been spacing out a little more than normal all day."

"Oh...sorry," Shoyo laughs. "I'm alright. I'm not really sure what's wrong. Maybe I ate something weird."

"Are you sure it wasn't because you slept werid?" He asks, tossing a volleyball to Shoyo.

"Oh no," Shoyo giggles passing the ball back. "I slept better than I do at home, your pillow was really soft and it smelled like you..." Shoyo blushes as he realizes what he said. "Ah...I mean..."

"It's fine Dumbass..." Tobio blushes, quickly turning his face. "I actually slept really well too, even though you stole my pillow and half of my futon." He laughs lightly.

"Ah...yes...sorry," Shoyo smiles, blushing more.

"Are you two having a blushing contest?" Kuroo asks, hand on his hip, Kenma on his right focused on his PSP.

"W-what..." Shoyo blushes even more as they both look up at Nekoma's Captain.

"No...we're not," Tobio starts to say.

"Well, it looks like you are," Kuroo smiles. "I wanted to formally introduce myself a little better, since you've become friends with my boyfriend. It's nice to meet you both."

"'s nice to met you too," Shoyo laughs nervously, scratching the back of his hair. "Kenma is a really great friend."

"Yes..." Tobio says.

"Thanks guys," Kenma says, looking up from his game for a brief second.

"I can't wait to play you today," Kuroo smiles. "Your quick attack is quite unique. I can honestly say I've never seen one like it before."

"Thank you," Tobio says, smiling proudly.

"You must really trust eachother 100% to be able to toss to him perfectly and have him hit it every time," Kuroo smiles.

"We do," Shoyo smiles. "I would like to be able to fly through the air on my own one day, but..."

"But he sucks," Tobio laughs, as Shoyo tries to attack him, he quickly grabs his wrists. "Don't worry Kuroo-san. You have a lot of surprises in store."

"Can't wait," Kuroo grins, waving as he walks back to his team.

"I don't suck...anymore," Shoyo blushes, standing on his tip toes, his wrists still wrapped with his partners fingers.

"I guess you've gotten better," Tobio leans down, grinning.

Shoyo can feel his soul mark heat up just before Tobio let's go of his wrists. I have to find out tonight...I need to know, he thinks holding his hip, looking up at his partner as he walks away.

Tobio holds his soul mark as he walks away, it's so warm and he had only held Shoyo's wrists for a few seconds.
Damnit...I'm going to find out tonight.

End Of Practice Game

Kuroo was genuinely surprised by their quick attack, their double setter 6-2 formation and how amazing their libero was.

Nekoma's libero, Yaku, blushed as Noya praised him. Suga scolded Tanaka for being too loud with Nekoma's Ace, Yamamoto, while Daichi helped but away the balls with Kenma.

Both of Nekoma's Middle Blockers bounced over to Shoyo and Tobio. The taller one with white hair, Lev started asking Tobio all sorts of volleyball questions. The other one, Inuoka, bounced up and down with Shoyo, excitedly praising his quick attack.

"It was so fast, like....vroom..." Inuoka laughs.

"Yeah, but you still managed to pick it up...wabam," Shoyo laughs. "You're so tall for a first year! I wish I was that tall!"

"But you're so cute and tiny," Inuoka giggles. "And your jump is so amazing, Shoyo."

"Thanks," Shoyo blushes at the comment.

"Do you wanna practice a little, before dinner?" Inuoka suddenly asks.

"Sure...I'd love to, but I should check with Tobio first," Shoyo looks over at his partner.

"Of course," he smiles.

"Tobio?!" Shoyo calls out. "Are we practicing later? Inuoka invited me to practice a little."

"Oh...we don't have to tonight," Tobio's face sullened, but he tried to smile. "I'll see you at dinner."

"Oh...alright," Shoyo blushes, then turns back to Inuoka. "Let's go."

The two boys walk outside as Tobio tries to strangle his towel, failing he sighs in defeat. He glances over in time to Tsukishima making a face of disappointment.

I don't have to remind me! He thinks to himself, grabbing his jacket and heading outside.

He makes it around the south corner of the 2nd gym when he hears a familiar voice.

"I'm...I'm so sorry Inuoka!"

What are they doing outside? Tobio walks towards the voices.

"It's okay was just a hunch, but I wanted to make sure. You said you didn't know who your soulmate was and I guess I got a little excited...sorry..." Inuoka laughs.

"It's alright...don't worry!" Shoyo laughs. "I don't know who he is...but I've been able to feel him through my soul mark lately, so I'm pretty I've figured it out."

"Wow...that's amazing Shoyo! Also... I'm really sorry I tried to kiss you..."

He's figured out who his soulmate is? Wait...
Inuoka tried to...what?!

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