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There had been a few hiccups in the beginning with a few other team members, but after a few months of open communication, everyone seemed to be back on track with focusing on practice and making it to Nationals.

It was almost summer break. They were getting ready to have over night practices and their first practice game with another school.

Today was Friday, the last day of practice for the week. Shoyo had been bouncing excitedly next to Tobio all day.

Shoyo had a question for Tobio that he had been holding in and felt like he was about to burst.

"Tobio?" Shoyo's little voice brought him out of his head.

"Yeah?" He said, turning towards the voice as he finished slipping his shirt over his head.

"Since we don't have practice tomorrow, would you like to come over and stay the night?" Shoyo asked, pulling his own sweaty shirt off and pulling on a clean one. "We can practice our quick attack," he smiled.

Daichi had assigned them as partners on the team and coach Ukai was thoroughly impressed by their quick attacks, that he had them fine tuning it when they could. They were always the first two at the gym in the morning and the last two to leave at night.

"Definitely," Tobio grinned as Shoyo's eyes lite up. This expression of Shoyo's was proving to be a weakness of Tobio's. For reasons unknown, he really enjoyed making this partner happy.

"WHAT? What do you mean you don't want to meet your soulmate?!"

The loud voice of Ryu Tanaka, talking to Chikara Ennoshita, both 2nd years, got both of Shoyo and Tobio's attention. They looked over at the same time.

"That's not what I said Tanaka," Ennoshita's calming voice soothed the tension in the room. "I'm just not going to obsess over it, is all."

"But that's so boring!" Tanaka whined, quickly noticing Shoyo and Tobio watching them. "Hey! What about you two?"

"What about us?" Tobio asked, picking up his duffel bag.

"Don't you wanna find your soulmates?" Tanaka asked, pointing at both of them. "I wanna find mine so bad!"

"Well," Shoyo started to say. "I've had my mark since I was 6 months old. I stopped obsessing over it when I started playing volleyball. But lately my mark has been aching, so I've been thinking about it again," he laughed sheepishly.

Shoyo had started thinking about his soulmate since his mark started aching the first day of school. Maybe his soulmate went to Karasuno.

"Same," Tobio said, his eyes widening as he looked down at Shoyo. "Mine showed up when I was born. So I've had it for over 15 years. And ever since school started it's been aching almost ever day."

"Wow," Suga chimed into the conversation. "That's amazing and super rare. I bet your soulmates go to our school. "

"Only 4% of the population have that strong of connections," Tobio looked back over at Suga.

"That's...amazing," Shoyo blushes.

"Only you two morons would be part of that statistic," Tsukishima smirks.

"Huh?" Shoyo and Tobio growl.

"Calm down boys," Daichi firmly says, walking up behind Suga. "He just means that the rest of us here didn't get ours till we were 13. It's not very common for soul mark's to ache unless you and your soulmate are really close together or touch for the first time."

"Oh..." Shoyo says, his anger subsiding. "I guess we're lucky then."

"Yeah, we are," Tobio smiles. "Has anyone here met their soulmate?" He asks, bluntly.

The group of boys looked around at each other.

"Kageyama?" Suga asked. "Did you forget who my soulmate is? We told you guys on the first day."

"You did?" Tobio thought back, but most of his recollection was of his fight with Shoyo.

"Daichi and Suga are soulmates, Tobio," Shoyo smiles, pulling on Tobio's sleeve until he's lowered to Shoyo's height.

"Ohhhh," Tobio stated, feeling a little embarrassed. "I guess I wasn't paying attention. Sorry."

"Don't worry about it," Suga laughed. "You were a little pre-occupied with with Hinata, as I recall."

Both Tobio and Shoyo turned bright pink as they watched their Vice-Captain wink at them before walking towards his boyfriend who was standing by the door ready to leave.

"Come on, we have to swing by my house first," Tobio quickly said.

"Okay!" Shoyo smiled, picking up his bag, following his partner outside.

Tsukishima sighed as they left. "Those two really are morons," he glanced down at his best friend Tadashi Yamaguchi.

"Why do you say that?" Tadashi says, looking up.

"Because they are more than likely Soulmates, but are both too stupid to figure it out," Tsukishima laughed  as he picked up his bag and started to head outside.

" really think so?" He asked, following behind. 

"Yeah..." Tsukishima said, smiling at Tadashi. "I figured out you were my soulmate before we ever touched, remember?"

"That's right," Tadashi smiled, his face lit up pink. "You're so smart, Tsukki."

"Shut up," Tsukishima laughed, throwing in his arm around Tadashi as they walked home.

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