Provisional Licensing exam!Part 2

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Takara POV

I lounged around a bit inside the room where the people who passed could stay when I spotted a familiar tuft of ash-blonde hair. I bounded across the room over to Bakugo and tapped on his shoulder. "You passed!" I exclaim.

"Yeah..."Bakugo trails off. I cock my head to the side in confusion.

"You're unusually quiet, is something wrong?" I ask, lifting an eyebrow.

"Who-"Bakugo stopped himself before taking a breath. "Who was that boy you were with?" Bakugo asks. My eyebrows furrow in confusion. Then I realize what he means. After getting into a fight with those kids in another school, Nazenara and I passed, Mizurio, Sei, and Todoroki needed to find more people, since it wasn't enough people for the five of us. Nazenara and I went to the room for people who passed together.

"Oh, you mean Nazenara?" I question. Bakugo nods. "Just a friend." I answer. Bakugo seems a bit unsatisifed with the answer but doesn't pry anymore.


All 100 people passed, 22 of them being in Class 1-A- thankfully. All 100 were in the room we were at the beginning of phase 1, except without the walls or roof, so technically we were just standing in the middle of the test grounds. Then things started to collapse, in the city zone, buildings fell, in the mountain zone dirt and rocks showered the grounds, etcetera. Then, the people appeared.

The people varied in ages, some were old, some were middle-aged, others were just toddlers. A lot of them had blood on them, their own or someone else's was impossible to tell. "Those are real people!" Someone in the crowd yells out.

"...And don't worry those aren't real people. They're part of the Help Us Company Also known as H.U.C. These people's jobs are to help heroes train." Mera reassures.

"Wow, the arrival of quirks creates so many new professions!" Kirishima exclaims. Mera sends us out to "save" the people. This phase was supposed to test us on how we do things. For example, if someone is caught under rubble, this test is supposed to show how we would handle situations like that.

"In this situation, it's not a competition anymore," Mera says before he declares the test has started.

I immediately head to the city zone, there were probably loads of victims from buildings falling. And I was right. I came across the first few victims in the outskirts of the city. "Help! Help us!" I could hear a female voice yell. The voice sounded like a child so I quickly rushed to where I heard it.

It was almost exactly like the simulator we went through at my sibling's camp. Nazenara, Mizuiro, and Sei found me. "Someone set up a first aid station, we're supposed to bring anyone hurt over there," Mizuorio says, pointing a thumb behind her.

"Here, take these people over there, I'm going to look and see if there's anyone unconscious, or someone I missed," I say, and the trio nods and they take the people I had already found, to the first-aid station.

"Help me! My leg hurts, and there's a lot of blood on my hands, which hurt too!" I hear someone yell out, with a hoarse voice.

"Where are you?" I call out. "If you don't know just keep talking!" I yell out again. Then the voice keeps talking, and eventually, I find the person. Well, not a person, a child. It was a little boy, who's foot was stuck under some rubble.

"Give me your hand," I say softly, and the boy puts his small hand into mine. I made a barrier just above the boys' skin so that the rubble would repel away from him if anything fell. I touch the rubble surrounding the boy, and it levitated, small chunks of rocks falling off, and bouncing off the barrier around the boy.

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