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Out of all my siblings, Kaizoko was definitely my favorite. Excluding Mio and my brother. She was childish, yet mature. She led her own crew, on her own ship, named the Siren. She didn't normally anchor her boat to one place very long, so it was a great honor if she stopped somewhere for a few days, for a certain person.

Kaizoko's quirk was also very interesting. She could make copies of items, as long as she had seen and touched them before, and the object she's trying to create is an existing item.

I was sitting at a harbor, and just as I was going to get up to get some more food, I saw a ship in the distance. From what I could see the ship was a rich chocolatey brown color, and that was how I  knew that Kaizoko was here.

After about ten minutes the ship was finally nearing where I was sitting, and I could see the different members of the crew scrambling around, preparing to let their anchor down.

I scrambled to get to where the ship was letting its anchor down. I hadn't seen Kaizoko in years! She had probably grown taller, and maybe dyed her hair, she could've even changed her entire style for all I know! And then, I saw her.

Kaizoko had only grown a few inches taller since I had last seen her. Her hair was also longer, falling past her hips in white waves. Her eyes were only a shade darker than the sea blue color I knew, and a rim of red on the outside of her eyes. She had on her captain's hat, with lots of gold circlets and bangles around her belt. They were all solid gold. She had those same dark brown boots, that most pirates wore. And a smile was gracing her lips. "Takara!" She exclaims, with her arms wide open.

"Kai, I've missed you so much," I whisper into her ear, as I hugged her. After I pulled away from her hug, I said my hello's to all the crew members. There was only one new crew member, and that was because one of the older crew members had retired. It was a girl, who was really sweet.

"Are you going to stay for your birthday?" I ask as she leads me onto the ship.

"Yeah, it's less than a week away, why would I waste time getting supplies, leaving, and then coming back again?" Kai asks, raising an eyebrow. "So, how's the hero business going?" Kai changes the subject.

"Actually, speaking of which, can you create a replica of that weird relic you found?" I ask her, as we move through the ship.

Kai raises an eyebrow at this. "Why?"

"Top secret hero business," I answered swiftly, making sure not to give her any clues as to what I could need the relic for.

"As long as you don't use it to create mayhem," Kai says, and then she holds her hand out, takes a deep breath, and closes her eyes. Slowly a figure cloaked in white and golden light took shape in her outstretched palm. After a few more moments the figure took shape, and all the light disappeared to reveal...

The relic was a golden shimmering clock. The numbers were written in some weird ancient language though, one even I didn't know, and I was well versed in most languages. "How old is this thing?" I ask, taking it into my hands to find it's surprisingly heavy.

"At first I didn't know either, and then I talked to this one person in my crew, who had gone into retirement a long time ago, they were much better at checking this stuff than I was. And they told me it was at least a few thousand years old." Kaizoko answered. I turned it around in my hands, running my fingers across the smooth flat surface. I made my hand into a fist and pounded on it. Nothing happened. No dents, in fact, I think I was hurt more than the relic.

"That would explain why I have no idea what language it's in..." I murmured to myself as I continued running my fingers over the slightly raised numbers.

"You can keep that. I have to go make sure my crew gets to their families." Lots of the crew lived in Japan, and often never got to see their family. Whether it was their kids or their parents, they usually never saw them much. Kaizoko was really attached to her crew and liked making sure they got home safe, and a lot of her crew had kids, who she liked visiting as well.

At first, Kaizoko had started her sailing because of her name. Kai means sea, and Kaizoko wanted to see what it was like to travel the world, so as soon as she could move out, she did. And Kaizoko never really liked living with their parents either, so it was an added bonus that she hardly had to see them.

I got back to the dorms at sunset. The sky was a mix of pinks, yellows, and oranges. A few people were scattered across the living area, and Iida and Sato were in the kitchen, making dinner.

I went into my room and placed the relic down on my desk. There was a way to activate its powers. I turned the relic over and found the small, almost unnoticeable golden bump, and I pressed on it with all my strength.

Quickly, before the effects of the relic kicked in, I found a shirt that I was going to throw away and threw the relic onto it. There was a golden light so bright I had to look away, and when I looked back, the shirt was a ball of cotton.

The relic could revert anything back to what it was before. For example, a wooden desk would revert back to a slab of wood, if you put the relic on the slab again, it would become a tree stump, and so on.

It reminded me of the effects of Eri's quirk, although she could only use it on living things. The relic though worked on both living and non-living things.

Kaizoko had said she thought it was a quirk that could imbue different objects with different abilities, and that the relic was a result of that. But now, I knew for sure that someone's quirk did this. There was no way this relic just appeared, like this, with the ability to do things like this.

There was definitely some sort of tie between the relic and Eri.

But for now, I'm starving, and need some dinner.


A/N: Short chapter, I know but I was in the middle of reading a story when I realized, I hadn't made ANY progress on this. So, I transformed this from 594 words to 1111. And look at this amazing picture:

This is from the newest episode, and when I first saw the picture, I couldn't wait for this to be animated, and now look

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This is from the newest episode, and when I first saw the picture, I couldn't wait for this to be animated, and now look. Komori is so cute, her first name is Kinoko, literally means mushroom. And she's adorable, My two favorite characters are now Intelli, and Kinoko :)

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