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A/N: I made a thing on picrew and have nowhere to put it so uh,,, face reveal :D Also sorry for not updating last week I am straight up not having a good time rn but I hope the Catra pov makes up for it a little. Vote and comment and do all that stuff if you like it so I can get feedback and enjoy! :)

Shadow Weaver had decided to pick on Catra today. She had woken up in the middle of the night in a daze, sensing something was off. Sure enough, she had just caught Adora trying to sneak away and had been offered no explanation, only a request to cover for her. She shrugged it off and went back to sleep, pulling you closer for warmth and assuming her friend would return by morning.

Catra shakes as Shadow Weaver interrogates her.

"She's probably doing some morning training on her own!" She tries to defend herself but Shadow Weaver knows. She probably always knows, Catra thought with a shudder.

"Fine!" Catra finally gives in, "I don't know where she is," her fear of the woman looming over her exceeds her loyalty to Adora's strange favor, "she didn't tell me," she adds quietly, realizing this is the first time in a long time she has no idea where her friend is.

"Nonsense!" Shadow Weaver presses, "You're her best friend; she would have told you where she went."

"Well, she didn't," Catra repeats, seething at the situation. Adora had told her nothing, and now she had to pay the price.

Shadow Weaver considers this idea: "In that case, I'll just ask (Y/N); maybe she knows."

"Not (Y/N)," Catra defends you. She had never seen you in the state that you were last night and knew Shadow Weaver had something to do with it. Though she would never admit it, she wants to protect you and to keep you as far from harm's way as she can. That's why even though she is going to have a hard time explaining her actions to everyone, she chooses to protect you: "Not (Y/N)," she repeats, more sure of herself, "(Y/N) has nothing to do with this. She-" Catra struggles to come up with a valid defense that would prevent Shadow Weaver's wrath, "She was literally asleep when Adora left! There's no way Adora could have communicated with her I promise."

"Very well," Shadow Weaver tentatively accepts Catra's reasoning, "Find her yourself then; bring her back."


"You heard me. Adora is a valuable Force Captain and is now your superior. Find her." Shadow Weaver commands, her presence filling the dark room and practically suffocating the feline inside.

"But she could be anywhere! It's been hours since she left," Catra argues, hoping Shadow Weaver can offer her the same ounce of pity she offered you. But, of course, she doesn't. She never does.

"Find her," Shadow Weaver simply repeats her request, and she doesn't need to do it again. Catra storms off and decides to look for you. Your squad didn't have training today because you guys were taking part in an attack on the Rebellion stronghold, Thaymor. After checking the cafeteria, she decides you must be still asleep and heads to the dorm.

Sure enough, you are fast asleep, curled up underneath the blanket pulled over your face to retain some of the warmth you felt with your friends at your side. Catra sits at your side, debating whether she should wake you up by petting your hair or by tearing off your blanket. She decides on the latter and almost feels sorry when she sees your curled up form curl up more at the sudden loss of heat.

She sits on the bed and rests her hand on your shoulder. You crack open one eye to look at your friend: "The one day we get to sleep in, Catra?" you groan at her sleepily.

"Come on everyone else has finished eating, (Y/N)," she doesn't know whether to tell you about Adora before you wake up and fully process it or after. She chooses before, not wanting to waste any time: "Adora left," she states simply.

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