F*ck Golden Retrievers Part 2

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Chris is making loud music again.

Jeongin might actually kill him this time.

It's fucking Saturday.

Who makes loud music at 6 am on a Saturday? Saturday is for sleeping in.

With a scrunch of his nose and a groan, Jeongin moves out of his bed, wearing the blanket around him like a cape.

Chris's door is closed, but Jeongin doesn't have the patience to wait to knock. He's tired, and it's 6 a-fucking-m.

Chris doesn't even look away from the screen when Jeongin comes in on light feet.

Spotting an opportunity, he slips up to Chris, right next to him.

"Could you keep it down?", he breathes into Chris's ear.

Chris screams and jumps off of his chair, landing on the floor with a resounding thump.

"Holy shit, Chris, I'm so sorry.", Jeongin babbles out, staring at him in horror. Chris winces.

"It's cool", he says,"what's up?"

"It's 6 am", Jeongin answers, pointing at the digital watch on Chris's computer.

"It is?", Chris asks, and that's when Jeongin notices how tired he looks. There are thick dark circles under his eyes.

"Did you not sleep?", Jeongin asks, staring at his roommate.

"I had an essay to finish", Chan admits.

Jeongin closes his eyes, rubbing his forehead in exasperation.

"Get to bed", he says, pointing.

Chris takes a closer look at Jeongin, eyes softening when he sees the blanket.

"I woke you up again, didn't I?"

Jeongin doesn't try to deny it.

"You did."

Chris winces.

"Sorry", he whispers,"I know I promised not to do that anymore."

"Several times", Jeongin adds.

Chris grimaces, then does as told, laying down in his bed.

Jeongin shuts his curtains, then walks back out.

"Night", he says, closing the door behind him.


Chris leans against him while Jeongin jots down some notes the day after that.

"Hm?", Jeongin asks, jumping up at the sudden touch. His hand jerks up, and he draws a line across his left arm with the pen.

Chris moves back.

"Sorry", he apologizes,"I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's fine", Jeongin shrugs, making some more space for Chris on the couch.

Chris cocks his head, then scoots over next to Jeongin, who narrows his eyes.

They're touching again, and Chris doesn't seem to mind.

Even more problematically, he's initiating it.


Jeongin's making himself a sandwich when someone back hugs him.

"Can I get some of your sandwich? It looks really good", Chris asks. Jeongin is very aware of the hot breath against his neck and air.

Flushing a bit, he nods.

Oneshots; JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now