(i love the way) you're breaking my heart

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Chan gets dared to kiss Jeongin. He refuses.


Jeongin watches Chan shake his head resolutely as he glances over at him.

There's an ending in those words. Jeongin stares away, blinking faster to avoid his vision become blurry. That was anticlimactic.

"It's a dare, Chan, you can't say no", Minho interjects. The other people sit at the table, alternating glances between Jeongin and Chan. They should stop doing that. They're not not best friends just because Chan won't kiss him. There's no drama to see here. Jeongin tries to swallow down the lump in his throat.

Jisung's mouth has fallen open a little when he stares at Jeongin. He's been looking like that since the dare came up, at which point his head snapped up so fast from his sketchbook it's a wonder he didn't hurt his neck. Jeongin's not sure he's heard anything, Chan's rejection or otherwise.

He shouldn't have told Jisung about his crush.

"Well, I'm saying it. I pick truth", Chan says, messing with his hair. Jeongin inhales, then exhales. The lump in his throat won't go away. His head pounds.

When Jeongin was small, he watched some other boys try to squish all the ants in an ant nest. They had run around, stomping around on the ground, crushing the small bugs with glee. That's how Jeongin feels right now. Scuttling around on the ground, trying to avoid Chan's words from crushing him.

Nayeon, ever the peacekeeper, sighs.

"Fine. Why don't you want to complete the dare?"

Good question. Jeongin shuts out the hurt, all of the squished feelings, and organizes his face into a neutral expression. Nothing can hurt him now.

Chan crosses his arms the same way he does when he's being obstinate. The method convinced Jeongin to get off of the Bouncy Castle and play some field games when he was younger. Now, it serves to show off his trained forearms in the far too tight T-shirt. Running a hand through his hair, Jeongin rips his gaze away from the collarbones and arm muscle. He has to get over Chan, not thirst over him. He focuses on the question of 'why is Chan wearing a far too tight t-shirt' instead, because that has got to be uncomfortable.

Actually, now that Jeongin thinks about it, that might be his T-shirt. He lost a similar one a short while ago, with the same bad chemistry pun on the front.

Chan doesn't even like Chemistry. Oh fuck, that is most definitely my T-shirt.

He's going to have to ask to get it back. Chan will forget otherwise. Even if the t-shirt is tight around the shoulders and almost cuts off the circulation in those sinfully muscled arms, he won't remember.

Chan is that ideal mixture of brawny around the shoulders and arms, but lean muscle everywhere else. When he started building the muscle in 9th grade, Jeongin realized just how Fucked( with a capital F) he was.

Ok, that's a lie, he knew he was fucked in 7th grade, back when Chan had that horrible bleach job and hadn't hit puberty and looked like a small skinny 8 year old with too many Pokemon t-shirts and a ridiculously high voice.

Chan lets out a soft noise of annoyance( cute) and Jeongin gets back to the right place in time.

"I want his first kiss to mean something", Chan says with a stubborn furrow of his brow.

Jeongin flushes at that. How does Chan know that it'd be his first kiss? Why does he think it's appropriate to tell everyone? This is private.

Someone murmurs understandingly, and the ice blue in his chest turns red hot. Everyone's broken the truth rule at some point. Couldn't Chan?

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