The side effects of being an angel

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Just... really angsty, very short. Jeongin and Chan fight, basically.

Found the picture on Pinterest, and was promptly inspired. Credits to the owner, of course.

TW: homophobia

1. There is always the taste of honey and vodka stuck in your mouth.

Jeongin doesn't like Chan being in the alley fights he started, with men who care too much about men kissing, men who try to shove them apart after the third beer, when Chan's shoulders don't seem so broad and intimidating anymore.

Chan courts them, tells them they can take it outside with a glance backwards towards Jeongin to let him know. He doesn't ever ask Jeongin's permission beat them up over him. Jeongin kind of wishes he would.

Jeongin waits in front of the alley, and when Chan comes, he kisses him desperately, the taste of scotch and blood on his lips.

2. Your teeth will never be sharp enough.

Back when Jeongin hadn't come out yet, back when he had still cared about his family, back when he was so, so soft, people could talk him into doing anything.

It didn't take much, just a short "Jeongin, please, I've got so much on my plate", and he would be scrambling to help him, even if they went back to gossip and verbal abuse as soon as he did.

He didn't have a bark, and he sure as hell didn't have a bite.

Now, things were different.

A single word laced with vitriol could be enough to send him into rage. A insult directed towards Chan had ended in a broken nose and countless bruises. A fight with Chan... well, that ended just as explosively.

Jeongin doesn't mean a single word of the pure hate spewing out of his mouth, but he can't stop it either. He just wants Chan to stop fighting.

When he sits in the silence of an empty apartment, he runs his tongue over his teeth.

They're far, far too sharp, and Jeongin can taste the tang of blood in his mouth once again.

3. Your back will always ache from the wings it once held.

Jeongin groans after he gets out of bed the morning after. Fights with Chan always leave him drained and tired, and the aching headache on the sides of his temples isn't making things better.

With one hand, he searches for the aspirin. With the other, he calls his lover, wanting to apologize.

4. The body always holds a burning feeling.

Jeongin isn't sure how to feel when Chan gets back, looking haunted. He just knows he needs him, needs Chan, to keep the cold in his chest from spreading.

He used to run so hot, be so unsure of everything, so ready to fight his parents, to fight the world. Now, he's just tired. Cold and tired.

5. The homesickness.

Sometimes, after a fight with Chan, Jeongin almost, almost calls the numbers he's blocked. His mom might take him back, if he told her he had a girlfriend, that the gay thing was just a phase.

The rest wouldn't though. The rest would laugh, say he'd made his choice, then hang up.

It's hard to feel any form of homesickness when you have no home to miss.

Excerpt: new recording 3.

Jeongin presses on the voice recording he made to listen to Chan's voice when he goes away. He must have at least 30 of these little audios.

Tape him seems to be tickling tape Chan. Laughter can clearly be heard on the tape. Tape Chan's gentle protesting too.

"Angel, stop", tape Chan giggles.

Tape Jeongin hums. For a while, only tape Chan stopping to laugh and starting to type can be heard.

"You know, I went to church once", tape Jeongin says, more quietly.

"Really?", tape Chan jokes, though he sounds a little concerned,"never would have guessed with your family."

They're strictly religious. Jeongin used to be too.

"Yeah, but I mean, after."

Jeongin hears shifting of the phone.

"After?", tape Chan asks curiously.

"After I came out."

Silence. Then, more shifting.

"They took me to a priest. To expel the demon from my soul."

"Did it work?", tape Chan asks, worry heavy in his voice.

Tape Jeongin laughs, but it sounds brittle.

"Apparently not."

Apparently not, Jeongin mouths along.

End of new recording 3.

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