Jenny( I want to ruin our friendship)

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Jeongin confesses feelings via tiktok.

"What are we doing?", Chan asks for the nth time, watching Jeongin with worried apprehension.

"A tik tok. You agreed", Jeongin answers, propping the phone up on the dashboard. His jittery hands betray his nervousness, and he shoves them between his thighs. Was this really a good idea?

Felix assured him that it was yesterday, giving the entire thing the Australian seal of Approval™. Still, Jeongin's entire body is coiled up in the car seat, ready to bounce out and run in the next moment.

They're sitting in his old beat up Honda from the 90s, a.k.a. the Orange. It's a relic from his dad's college days, with a hideous orange paint coat( hence the name) and more miles than an airplane. If that doesn't sound unappealing enough, the whole thing hasn't been properly cleaned since his dad's college days either, and Jeongin refuses to do it after the time he found a condom wrapper squished between the back seats.

It's the principle of the thing.

Unsuprisingly, the whole package doesn't smell that great either. If cars were animals, this one would be an ancient smelly rabbit with rabies and patchy fur.

Chan loves it though. According to him, it has character.

(And yeah, maybe Jeongin doesn't hate it quite as much as he pretends to.)

And it's a good still background for a tik tok. Hence, they're sit in the disgusting, lovable car on this nice autumn day.

"Can we get this over?", Chan asks, staring imploringly at Jeongin. He was reluctant in agreeing to the whole shebang in the first place. Tik tok isn't his thing, not with the dances and the flash popularity and the glitzy pretty people showing off.

Though he could be one of them if he tried. Jeongin's seen enough of his gym mirror selfies. He knows that thick wool sweater hides a killer body with broad shoulders and a tapered waist. And Chan's face is nice too, soft eyes, Cupid's bow lips, and a jawline to die for.

But ogling his friend isn't the point of this tik tok. Instead, Jeongin props up the speaker so that they can hear the music.

"I just want you to react, okay?", he asks, fiddling with his hoodie. It's a faded gray one, not very attractive, but it'll do for the video.


Jeongin takes a deep breath, steeling his nerves. Then, he leans forward and taps record.

The song starts.

"I like it, sounds funky", Chan says, trying to seem interested by bopping his head along. His hair, curly and long enough to fall into his eyes when he leaves it undone flops around with it, and Jeongin giggles. This'll be ok. This'll be fun. Just another activity with a best friend.

Who might not be a best friend for much longer. One way or the other, something is changing.

Jenny darling, you're my best friend.

Jeongin sings along to it, replacing Jenny with Chan. He glances over at Chan to find him watching him.

"Darlin', huh?", Chan murmurs, grinning. Jeongin gives him a quick smile. Chan grins back, glancing out the window.

But there's a few things that you don't know about.

Making eye contact, Jeongin gets into Chan's personal space. He gives him a mysterious wink, then turns away again.

If he had kept his eyes on Chan, he would have noticed the other watching him a beat too long, with an expression straying close to adoration.

Why I borrow your lipstick so often

Chan laughs when Jeongin sings that line. He doesn't have any lipstick Jeongin could borrow, but if he remembers correctly, there is a lip balm he hasn't seen in a few months.

He shakes his head fondly.

I'm using your shirt as a pillow case.

To emphasize, Jeongin tugs on Chan's sweatshirt. Chan smirks, but he's looking for something deeper when he stares into Jeongin's eyes.

"Yea?", he asks.

Jeongin shrugs, booping Chan on the nose. In reality, he wears it when he goes to bed, but that's just semantics.

"Maybe?", he suggests before glancing away once more.

I want to ruin our friendship.

For the line, Jeongin stares at Chan's lips as he stops half an inch before committing the significant act. Chan's heart palpitates pathetically at their closeness. Meanwhile, Jeongin almost forgets how to breathe staring at the way Chan's lips form a heart.

Time slows, stops, rewinds, restarts.

A sudden bout of courage seeps through Chan, and he leans forward to complete the kiss. Jeongin however turns his head at the last second, not realizing that Chan was about to fully commit, and Chan's puckered lips meet empty air.

Let's be lovers instead.

Chan lets out a deep little sound of frustration from the back of his throat, then he reaches out to guide Jeongin back to him by his neck.

Insistently, he presses a kiss to Jeongin's mouth, nipping against the bottom lip with his teeth. Heat pools in Jeongin's stomach, and he grabs onto Chan's hair with his left.

It's soft, softer than soft, and on the back, it's long enough for Jeongin to curl his fingers in.

Chan meanwhile hasn't let go of Jeongin's neck, hand still splayed across the pale expanse of skin.

He kisses with his whole body, taking over and never relenting, until Jeongin is red hot and gasping for air.

At this point, it occurs to him that this maybe isn't ideal for a app with kids on it.

Ah well, they can edit out this part.

In an intermission where they're both panting, Jeongin finally gets the chance to stop the video. Then, Chan's trying to close the distance between them, and Jeongin clambers over the armrests and on top of him.

The next kiss is gentler, barely a whisper of reddish lips touching. Chan stares up at Jeongin with reverence.

"I can't believe", he says, pressing a kiss to Jeongin's neck," that you just confessed to me by making a tik tok."

To be honest, he's kinda pissed about it. Except that he really isn't, because Chan has never been able to be pissed at Jeongin for anything.

Jeongin just gives him a shit eating grin.

"You think it'll go viral?"


Me: Yeah, I'll be done with Summer lovin' soon, it's just the last chapter

Also me: drops off the grid for months

I'll try to get it done soon, I'm working on it!


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