Quidditch and chocolate

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It's Hogwarts au time! 

Awkward Ravenclaw quidditch chaser Jeongin has had a hopeless crush on Slytherin quidditch captain and guy-who-doesn't-know-he-exists Bang Chan for a while now. A few quidditch matches and library meetings change that.

I will be ignoring the fact that there are only 6 matches a quidditch season at Hogwarts. Also, this is around 9000 words. Other than that, enjoy!

"First Quidditch game of the year", Seungmin cheers. Jeongin and he stand side by side in the Ravenclaw stands, their peers already on the edge of their seat.

Hufflepuff has an excellent team this year. With Choi Soobin as their seeker( the one who single handedly won them the cup last year), Kim Taehyung as Keeper, and Choi Beomgyu as a chaser, their team is highly talented.

However, rumor has it that Bang Chan, 7th year Slytherin and Quidditch Captain has made some changes to Slytherin's lineup.

Jeongin peels his eyes for the trademark silver hair. Seungmin nudges him and points to a dark brown haired individual instead.

Jeongin has to pick up his jaw from the floor.

Chan looks beautiful like this, even from a distance, the wind playing with the chaser's dark hair when he kicks off from the ground.

The announcer Jisung, a Gryffindor, starts narrating the play by play.

Jeongin watches the players zip around the field, executing speedy maneuvers and dodging bludgers.

"Pull up", he whispers when he spots Hufflepuff chaser Jeno getting a bludger hit at him. Jeno opts for down instead, and loses the perfect angle he had to aim at the goal. The Slytherin keeper blocks his throw.

After a while, Jeongin loses focus on the game. He gets distracted by Chan's flying.

The Slytherin is always attractive, but in the air, he looks ethereal. Wind whips around his lean frame, tousling his deep brown curls. His smile is infectious and all the more pretty.

He's so focused on Chan speeding through the skies he doesn't even notice someone has caught the snitch until Seungmin nudges him.

Slytherin has won the match.

Having a crush on the guy everyone else has a crush on is Jeongin's personal hell.

He can't even look at his crush in peace. He sees several other people also staring at Chan as he eats in the great hall.

Jeongin pouts and focuses on his food. Why does Chan have to be so perfect? This wouldn't be a problem if he weren't. He wishes he were the only one with a crush.

At the same time, he knows no one more deserving of the attention than Chan.

Chan, who's smile could light up the dark side of the moon, who's hair looks great perfectly done, and even better undone...

Yeah, Jeongin is deep in icky, mucky feelings.

He glances at Seungmin next to him, who has his nose stuck deep in a book.

When he glances up to see Jeongin looking at him, he shrugs.

"What? You were preoccupied."

"Yeah yeah", Jeongin rolls his eyes. Seungmin doesn't know what Jeongin sees in Chan. Jocks are not Seungmin's type. But Quidditch skills are exactly what Jeongin finds attractive in a person, aside from manners and intelligence.

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