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"I'm home!" I chirp through my parents townhome right on the San Francisco bay, my beautiful mother comes walking into the living with a big smile. "Ugh I've missed you! Your father is driving me nuts" She giggles, I laugh in response knowing how he is with my mom. His love for her is clear and he is willingly to kill even though I'm sure he already has. 

"Where is the old fart anyway?" I ask following her into the kitchen, "The fuck did you say kid?' I hear him growl from behind me, I burst out laughing and hold my stomach. I compose myself and finally meet his gaze. 

"Oh hey Dad, didn't see you there" I lie with a big grin, he rolls his blue eyes that are the same as mine and turns back to my mom. "Anna could you please control our daughter" He says sitting on one of the bar stools, Mom shakes her head. 

"Hate to break it to you, but she has your attitude Cade" She sticks her tongue out before disappearing up the stairs. I laugh at their behavior before taking the seat next to my dad. "Where is my baby brother? I'll have to get back soon" I say looking around. 

"I wish I knew, he is more out of control than Brycen was at his age." He says loosening his tie, come to think of it I have never seen my father not in a suit expect for the one time we got him to go the beach and swim. "Yeah, but Bry is a no fun now. He is all business all the damn time" I complain, he laughs and shakes his head. "Your mom had the same complaint about me when we first got together" he laughed, I smile remembering the story my mom had told me. 

And holy fucking shit they had a wild story, according to my mom she lived with her shitty Uncle who sold her to my dad so he could take over the "family business" which he needed a wife for which is utterly fucking stupid. And turns out they had meet before when Dad had saved Mom from her bitch ass boyfriend. It's pretty wild and honestly should be a book. It still baffles me that they fell in love and had kids, then stayed together once they had us. Cause truth be told, we are shitheads. My poor sweet mother was on the verge of tears my entire middle school experience. But I chilled out and then Brycen my twin went fucking nuts, and from my understanding our little brother Ben was following in his footsteps like a true shithead. 

"How is Berkley going?" My dad asks, clearly wanting to know if there is a boy. 

"No boys, and good, I like my classes and looking into different internships" I say hearing the front door unlock, I lean a little and see my baby brother walk in with his dorky friends in tow. I watch my brother walk right past me without even noticing me and going straight the pantry. 

"You weren't kidding" I say to my dad in shock, Ben and I super close even though it didn't used to be that way. When we were little he had a thing where he only wanted my toys and everything I owned he wanted. Thank god the twerp grew out of it and we ended getting a lot closer. 

"Hey asshat, you just gonna ignore me?" I call out to Ben, he turns around and runs to give me a hug. He grew a lot since I last saw him and he was definitely taller than me. "What are you doing here?" He asks still hugging me, finally he lets go and I ran a hand through his mop of curly hair, just like our mom's. 

"I missed y'all and I had no classes so I thought I would come down for the day" He smiles at my response, his friends are clearly checking me out. "Hey Braylon" Jack says with a shy smile, he is my favorite out of Ben's friends. He is an absolute sweetheart. "Hi Jack" I smile at him. 

"Well I have a little shopping to do. But I'll be back for dinner" I kiss my dad's check and ruffle Ben's hair before grabbing my purse and leaving the house. 


A few hour later I decided to get a smoothie, I order inside the cute little shop and wait for my order. My stomach suddenly falls into my feet as I sense some danger lurking. One of the perks of having a mafia boss for a dad is having killer instincts. 

I forget the smoothie and leave the shop, I look into the alleyway and see a poor old man being held at gun point. My hand reaches for the glock in my purse, when I felt a presence behind me. I turn to see a pair of cold brown almost black eyes staring down at me. 

"E, leave!" He shouted to the guy mugging the old man behind me. I wanted to runaway and cower in fear, but I know better.

Never show fear  

"It's pretty sad that you and your buddy are robbing an old man" I say holding the intense eye contact, he scoffs and further closes the gap between us until we are chest to chest. "And what were you going to do to stop him princess. Pepper spray him?" This time I scoff and pull the gun from my bag and press it to his side. "Try shoot him" I smirk, he growls and walks off.

People in the city are so fucking weird

I shake my head before placing my gun back inside my bag, before returning to the smoothing shop. Luckily the girl was setting it on the counter right as I walked back in. I grabbed it before starting the walk home.

The guy who told the mugger to run was standing across the street staring at me, I blew him a kiss and gave him the finger. I hated to admit it, but he fucking hot. He stood at around 6'6, clearly is chiseled to perfection, has beautiful brown eyes, and dark brown hair. 

Once I was in the safety of my childhood home, the pressure lifted off me knowing my hothead, ball of rage father would happily take care of the gorgeous asshole of needed. I walk into the living room and see my parents cuddling on the couch, I can only hope for a relationship like theirs. 

"I think I'm going to head back, I don't want to drive in the dark" My mom gives me a sad smile before giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Ok, drive safe" I look over and see my dad passed out, yet still holding her in a death grip. I laugh and hug my mom before patting my dad's head. "Don't move, my love" He mumbles. I smile at the nickname he has used for her for as long as I can remember. I wave one last goodbye before leaving.


AHHHHHH!!! It's finally here!!!! After going back and forth I decided to do the sequel though it can be read on it's own without Cade and Anna's story. Thank you to everyone who left comments and sent me messages asking for this story! It truly warms my heart to see people enjoy my writings so much. I hope this book lives up to your hopes and don't forget to vote and comment!

Love ya!


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